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9th grade science--which of these offers the most support to student and/or parent?

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I think I am having such a hard time figuring out science next year, because I am science phobic... (like I look at the balancing chemical equations explanations, and my mind is blank and my heart starts to race).. Anyway, I really would like to farm out science totally. Here are my options:


Do any of these offer placement programs for science?


BJU - Physical Science with DVDs. He teaches. I watch along with the kids. This is $399 plus books for my other child. I don't know what exactly the parent's role is in this program.


A Beka - Physical science. Looks like there is more earth science. Have heard good things about this.


Seton ninth grade science - has lesson plans for both BJU and A Beka texts.. and online lectures.. I don't know how indepth the lesson plans are.. I probably would end up doing the video option if I use these.


Apologia Physical science - have the first edition but would purchase the 2nd. Would get the book on tape as well. Do you have to know anything about physical science to have your kids use this.


Indiana State University - There's an earth science course that looks like it's introductory earth science for ninth grade.. This might be a good starting point, it's basically $220 per child, which is the equivalent of an A Beka or BJU video course. This is not a physical science course. So it makes me feel better. I don't know if they have to have physical science before they have chemistry or physics. They did rainbow science year 1 in the seventh grade.


Prentice Hall Physical Science -- Kolbe academy uses this for eighth and ninth grade. This is heavy duty intense science.. I would use this if someone else were teaching it... I want my kids to be science literate. I am not the one to do it. Part of me is tempted to use this, but the other part says, no way could you help them with it..


So let me know your opinions..



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I can only speak of BJU Physical Science DVD's. I am science phobic as well, which is exactly why I chose the DVD option. It was wonderful. I just popped in the DVD, and let Mr. Harmon do the teaching. I watched with my dc and made sure they understood the lecture, and made sure they completed their homework(reading and section review questions). Tests and quizzes were assigned by Mr. Harmon;all I did was facillitate. HIghly recommended!!

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I can only speak of BJU Physical Science DVD's. I am science phobic as well, which is exactly why I chose the DVD option. It was wonderful. I just popped in the DVD, and let Mr. Harmon do the teaching. I watched with my dc and made sure they understood the lecture, and made sure they completed their homework(reading and section review questions). Tests and quizzes were assigned by Mr. Harmon;all I did was facillitate. HIghly recommended!!


I haven't used the DVD's. I have a science background and used the biology last year and was VERY impressed with it. It is very thorough. I talked with someone who is very knowledgeable about science. He homeschooled his kids and has reviewed all the science curriculums available for homeschoolers. He was most impressed with BJU.

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We did Bob Jones also - and the DVDs are great. I think it is worth the money. My dh initially taught everything, but due to lack of time (his day job :001_smile:) he purchased the dvds and this has been so nice. Very thorough and interesting.

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I would not purchase lab equipment if watchig the DVD's. Just watching i'd count as "labs".


I am also considering BJU this year for my 7th grader. At what point do you think the DVD's become necessary to get a grip on BJU's science??


We are not mathy/sciency at all around here

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