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Landforms and Map Skills assignment


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I remember doing an assignment in school where we had to create our own imaginary continent and label all of the parts. I decided to create a similar assignment for my kids to help teach landforms and mapping skills. I thought I'd share it in case anyone was interested in doing something similar.


Instructions on Google Docs.


They'll be doing it on poster board. DS is going to be using names from Doctor Who, I think, for his.

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I remember doing an assignment in school where we had to create our own imaginary continent and label all of the parts. I decided to create a similar assignment for my kids to help teach landforms and mapping skills. I thought I'd share it in case anyone was interested in doing something similar.


Instructions on Google Docs.


They'll be doing it on poster board. DS is going to be using names from Doctor Who, I think, for his.

Great idea! I've done something similar in my classroom the last few years. Because it was at the middle school level, their imaginary island had to be in 3-D form. This year I got a cake, a clay model, styrofoam, and a giant cookie. They really enjoyed thinking up themed names for their landforms and waterways.

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