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Reading eggs?


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My 1st grade son with ADHD has been doing OPGTTR and while he has been learning it would be a lie to say it isn't boring as all get out.


Wanting to add something fun so I got the free trial of reading eggs


He LOVES it. He has spent all his computer time playing it. He has gone up a level in 24 hours.


Is this a reading program that can stand on it's own?


Please tell me what you know.

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My 1st grade son with ADHD has been doing OPGTTR and while he has been learning it would be a lie to say it isn't boring as all get out.


Wanting to add something fun so I got the free trial of reading eggs


He LOVES it. He has spent all his computer time playing it. He has gone up a level in 24 hours.


Is this a reading program that can stand on it's own?


Please tell me what you know.


It was never my intention to use it on its own, but my middle learned to read without anything else through using it. She finished the 110? lessons right before her 6th birthday, and now reads at/slightly above Little Bear level. She is a late summer birthday (so she's just now officially Kindergarten), so I got the subscription simply for her to play around with while schooling my oldest and well, it worked.


So I purchased a subscription for my youngest who is 4 1/2. She's loving it too. If it works, great, if it doesn't, we'll use something else for K next year.


Having watched (granted not closely) while my children use it, it uses a lot of sight words and some guessing on what the word is. So, I don't think it is a phonics - only program, but I never watched all that closely while my kids were on it.

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as far as i know it is still ok to practice reading using red eggs... but you just need to look for your kid and put all your attention to him...hope he will be better soon!!!just pray!


So does Readingeggs work as a stand alone program? I don't think I understand your post.

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I'd say it depends on the kid. My younger son has used it and basically only that and he was reading pretty readily above grade level. It's almost like he taught himself to read. My daughter (who is a couple years older) used it but it just hasn't been enough for her. It is kind of a strange mix of sight words and phonics but I agree the computer animation and games is compelling for the younger kids. I think it's not enough phonics for her. She still doesn't read as well as he does. Of note, neither of these are my special needs kid (HFA, age 9). He decodes very well and sight reads well (slightly above grade level after a very expensive summer at Lindamood-Bell) but his comprehension is really poor (2 grade levels below). I have yet to find anything that really has budged his comprehension.


For us, reading eggs was worth the $$ even though it's not a panacea.

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For us, reading eggs was worth the $$ even though it's not a panacea.


Thanks! Reading is usually a crying subject for us. I think I will pay for it and give it 3 months and evaluate if it can stand on it's own for him. I really would love to find ways to educate him without the tears


Like I said it's like he simply cannot see pages of paper or note cards but the website is wonderful for him.

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