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CLE Math--what do you use after CLE 8?


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I have used Singapore with 10 y.o. dd through 4B and this year decided we needed a well-rounded math review. DD tested into CLE 5 Math and we are now in 502 and really enjoying it (and finishing 4B simultaneously). DD has *greatly* improved in long division and triple number multiplication (as well as measurements) since we started and is really loving the addition of CLE. I'm contemplating a full out switch to CLE Math (with a weekly Singapore word problem page as supplement). My concern is what do we do after CLE Math 7 or 8? I had planned to move into Singapore's new Discovering Math series after we finished 6B but now my paradigm has shifted and I'm not so confident in the solo-Singapore world. What have CLE users moved into for HS? Do you feel CLE prepared your children well for College prep HS math? So far, the only HS math that I have researched are Math U See and Singapore's DM.


Thank you.

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I was just thinking (for the millionth time) about adding to Singapore to our current CLE. My girls are in 4th grade and are just about to start the 400s (they had some catching up to do with math facts after I pulled them out of PS). I've been incredibly impressed with CLE so far. One of my girls who always struggled with math in PS has grown leaps and bounds with CLE. She needs the incremental instruction and constant review. My concern is that I *do* add in a lot of hands-on/application type activities. But now that they are getting into harder math, I have less confidence in my ability to just whip something up (I taught first grade).


Anyhow, now reading your post makes me think again. :)


FWIW, when I was looking into CLE, I remember someone writing that CLE isn't geared toward preparing kids for college, so they felt like the upper grade material wasn't as challenging as it needed to be. I'm not sure if that is accurate or not though.


OK, so nothing really helpful...just excited to watch this thread!:001_smile::001_smile::001_smile:

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We had a few side trips, but my oldest ended up doing CLE Math 7, then Saxon Algebra 1/2, and is now acing Saxon Algebra I.


He tested on the boundary between Algebra 1/2 and Algebra I using the Saxon placement test, so we did Algebra 1/2 at a faster pace over the summer to get him used to Saxon. I got the DIVE CD to cover the rough spots because he prefers to work independently.


I haven't decided what to do with the next one. She'll start CLE Math 7 in January or so, and I may test her and put her into Saxon next (will do a placement test in July or August) or have her continue with CLE. She's been using CLE since 3rd grade. We'll see. Either way, I'm planning on Saxon for Algebra and up.


Not that this is the whole picture, but both have had top-notch Stanford scores ever since we went to CLE.

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Thanks, Ladies.


I have considered Saxon but, honestly, it doesn't appeal to me visually. I'll have to look at it more seriously now.


To the poster who is considering adding Singapore to CLE...I am so impressed with the mental work and understanding my dd has because she has been "brought up" with Singapore but she really doesn't have the foundational arithmetic down (hence the addition of CLE). I'm doing a combination of CLE and Singapore now with my 1st grader. It does get harder to get both done as the work load increases but it's easy at that level. I'm one of those who believes Singapore is just too light in review and getting the facts down. We have spent many an hour supplementing Singapore and I just got tired of always trying to devise a new review page or game for basic facts. CLE is exactly what we needed here.

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CLE has Algebra ready as a Sunrise version. You have to call to order it. I have one in CLE 503 and am hoping by the time he gets to Algebra, the remaining levels will be ready.

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Thanks, Ladies.


I have considered Saxon but, honestly, it doesn't appeal to me visually. I'll have to look at it more seriously now.


To the poster who is considering adding Singapore to CLE...I am so impressed with the mental work and understanding my dd has because she has been "brought up" with Singapore but she really doesn't have the foundational arithmetic down (hence the addition of CLE). I'm doing a combination of CLE and Singapore now with my 1st grader. It does get harder to get both done as the work load increases but it's easy at that level. I'm one of those who believes Singapore is just too light in review and getting the facts down. We have spent many an hour supplementing Singapore and I just got tired of always trying to devise a new review page or game for basic facts. CLE is exactly what we needed here.


Thanks for this! My girls are just getting into long division and, while I have no doubt they'll be pros with CLE, I'm not so sure they really understand why it works. I never learned why it works either, even though I was always in the top math classes. I just memorized it and did it, you know?


I thought about just buying the HIGs for Singapore and just doing instruction, with CLE as independent work. I don't know...

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