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First Aid question..injured pinky finger

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DS13 just came in and told me he crashed his bike into the back of a parked truck. His pinky and ring finger are hurt, the pinky moreso. He can still move them slightly, but it hurts him. Pain is only at about a 5. Most of the pain is at the point between the pinky and ring finger and in the middle knuckle of the pinky. I do not think they are broken since his pain is only at a 5 with slight movement still. I suspect he jammed them or sprained them. Is it okay to just tape them for now and keep an eye on them until the regular dr's office opens tomorrow or would you head into the ER (we don't have urgent care clinics around here) to have it checked further? If we do tape it what is the best way to do so, and if we don't have medical tape can I use masking tape? Being a Sunday the pharmacy is closed so I can't go pick some up.


Dang boys, never a dull moment with them.

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Ds (15) fell a few weeks ago and ended up having a chip fracture on his index finger. It swelled to twice it's normal size immediately so it was obvious he needed to go to the er. They ended up only taping it up and sending us to an orthopedic doc the next day. After talking to the ortho talk I am so glad we didn't just tape it up and leave it.l He explained that breaks in kids fingers can be serious because they can occur near the growth plates. If it's not horribly swollen I would tape it up tonight and call your pediatrician in the morning. If it's swollen I would go to the ER. Hope he heals quickly as they usually do at this age.

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back from the ER. After posting I had him icing it and elevating it. The swelling went down a bit but he lost some of his ability to move it. So we went to get it checked. The xray tech was gone for the night and lives an hour away so the Dr wrapped his whole hand and we are to be back at 8 am for xrays. Dr thinks he may have broken it right at the joint where the pinky is attached to the hand. We won't know for sure until tomorrow morning but he didn't want him using that hand at all tonight. He has had some motrin now and between that, the wrappings and the amount we iced it he says it feels better but he still has swelling, and when the dr checked it the bruising was starting to show up. Now we get to hurry up and wait.

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We went back to the ER this morning for the xrays. No break that they could see. But it is still swollen and badly bruised with enough pain to hinder his activities. Dr says he jammed it really bad. It is to be buddy taped now until the pain is gone, so that could be days or weeks who knows. He was actually disappointed it wasn't broken. I think he has been jealous of the attention ds8 has gotten in teh last year with all of his breaks. SO we stopped off at the bargain shop after we picked up some sports tape, and bought a $6 computer game he wanted. I told him it was a little present to make him feel better. You should have seen his face light up. Of course because he is so injured (in his mind at least) I have let him have a lite day of school with me scribing for him(it was his writing hand he hurt). He is just lapping up the attention for it and seems to already be feeling much better. By tomorrow he will be back to doing his own writing, but for today he wanted to be the one we all had sympathy for. I am happy to oblige him. No kid should feel that they need to be broken to get doted on. I will have to make more effort with all of them not to focus only on the injured kid. (Over all I don't but clearly I am missing the mark with him, and perhaps the girls too)

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