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Earth and Space science for an 8th grader

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So- after doing ALOT of research into what dd needs to do for the college she wants to attend, and upon nearly 2 months of painstakingly going through what we will do for high school science-- I decided I had to change this years plans. (yup- kinda late, I know, but better now than never, right?!)


Anyways- I was planning on buying BJU Earth and Space Science for this school year but I think dh would head hunt me if I dared after I figure out what next years school will cost us.


SO- I need ideas- free resources to get a GOOD and DEEP Earth and Space Science study for this year for dd.


I found abunch of video on demand videos from Answers in Genesis. What else can you point me to? I am looking for books (not with evolutionary content in every other sentence), websites- anything that would make a strong curriculum for an 8th grader.


I am not opposed to evolutionary content, I just don't want every other sentence to be about millions of year, millions of years old, millions of years ago kwim? We are young earth creationists ;)


Thanks in advance!

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The curriculum is written by Dr. David Shormann, and I've really been looking at it with interest. Along with other really great science and math courses, there is a brand new earth science program available just recently. I isn't on their official website yet, but you can read about it here on Dr. Shormann's blog, and you can download samples.




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The curriculum is written by Dr. David Shormann, and I've really been looking at it with interest. Along with other really great science and math courses, there is a brand new earth science program available just recently. I isn't on their official website yet, but you can read about it here on Dr. Shormann's blog, and you can download samples.






That is what I am doing for high school. I had planned to do Physical Science this year but I decided to do that next year with BJU. This is AWESOME! Thank you :D

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That is what I am doing for high school. I had planned to do Physical Science this year but I decided to do that next year with BJU. This is AWESOME! Thank you :D


REALLY!!!! Wow! I didn't know this. I love DIVE and I was just about to post to you that unfortunately DIVE doesn't have Earth/Space. I am so happy!!!




Whoooo hoooo!!! I'm so glad I made two hs moms happy with this news!! I am also excited about another 8th grade creation based science program coming out. And this seems like a program of real quality. Can't wait to use it myself!!




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