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Sigh...more science. (RSO+MPH)/BFSU= over the top?


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Like many, I've yet to find a groove with science. The recent threads have me thinking (like many others)...


We own all three RSO books - I'd been accumulating curricula in small pieces in anticipation of starring HS'ing this fall. I like RSO, but it does seem a bit dry and staged - the demonstrations vs real science argument.


I love the idea of BFSU, but I need more of a spine at this point, with a three month old and a three yr old that need a lot of my time attention (nights, too :) ).


I have funds from something I didn't buy. I've heard great things about MPH. What if I were to combine RSO and MPH across subject matter a la BFSU?


Or is that going to be way too complicated/non economical/nonsensical, etc?


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Are you talking about MPH 3/4 or other Singapore Sci. program for younger kids ?


MPH - if you use all components - may be too advanced for an average 6 yo.


IMHO, using RSO, MPH and BFSU is possible if you can coordinate them. May be you can use BFSU progression, and use MPH/RSO to help flesh out the content.

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Are you talking about MPH 3/4 or other Singapore Sci. program for younger kids ?


MPH - if you use all components - may be too advanced for an average 6 yo.


IMHO, using RSO, MPH and BFSU is possible if you can coordinate them. May be you can use BFSU progression, and use MPH/RSO to help flesh out the content.


Thank you for the reply! This is exactly what I ended up doing! :D

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How bout trying what we do? We use free Core Knowledge as a spine, and add in BFSU and library books each week. Sometimes we go on tangents, as we are this week as we read The Magic of Reality--wonderful book. Sometimes we get caught up in BFSU (the 2nd volume is really much more usable than the first) and go with the flow on that :) It works.

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I use multiple things for science. I basically take it week by week and pick from among the different things (depending on my mood). I know, that sounds so "scientific" (har har), but it's working. :D


Yes... I'm also doing some of this as well. It, um, depends on the topic... :)


How bout trying what we do? We use free Core Knowledge as a spine, and add in BFSU and library books each week. Sometimes we go on tangents, as we are this week as we read The Magic of Reality--wonderful book. Sometimes we get caught up in BFSU (the 2nd volume is really much more usable than the first) and go with the flow on that :) It works.


I'm skimming through this and trying to get an overall picture - I've looked at Core Knowledge int the past, but had forgotten about it... Thank you for the reminder! Does it seem to integrate the different sciences as does BFSU, or does it just seem that way? I have to go back and look at it more in depth. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm skimming through this and trying to get an overall picture - I've looked at Core Knowledge int the past, but had forgotten about it... Thank you for the reminder! Does it seem to integrate the different sciences as does BFSU, or does it just seem that way? I have to go back and look at it more in depth. :tongue_smilie:


Yep, it integrates pretty well, although there's no "threading" like there is for BFSU. Click on the link in my siggie and you can view the pdf I made for fourth grade; it will give you a sense of how the year would go. Good luck. Right now, we're leaning on the BFSU side of our science more, as I really do like his Volume 2 but we integrate both fairly well :)

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Yep, it integrates pretty well, although there's no "threading" like there is for BFSU. Click on the link in my siggie and you can view the pdf I made for fourth grade; it will give you a sense of how the year would go. Good luck. Right now, we're leaning on the BFSU side of our science more, as I really do like his Volume 2 but we integrate both fairly well :)


Awesome- thank you!



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