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1st grader wants 'Building Thinking Skills'


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My first grader in envious of the older two doing Building THinking Skills on the computer and is asking if there is one for her level. Big kids are using Level 2.


Should I get Level 1 for her? I saw there was a workbook but is the CD good too? Is MindBenders better? Input please :D


by the way, she can easily handle the extra work... she has a lot of free time.

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I am also using Level 1 of the Building Thinking Skills workbook with my 1st grader, and she is doing fine.


At the Critical Thinking Co. table last summer, they suggested a plan for using the book. There is a flowchart which lists all of the chapter titles on the first page of each chapter. The man recommended that the kids do one page from the left-hand column and one page from the right-hand column per day. He said that each column required using a different side of the brain. Not sure if this is accurate or not, but it sounded good to me. So we started with Chapter One "Describing Shapes" from the left-hand column, and Chapter Six "Describing Things" from the right-hand column.


He also advised that we keep progressing through the current chapters until the activities get too difficult. At that point, he said to go on to the next chapter which has different activities. In other words, when Chapters One and Six become too difficult, we will go on the Chapter Two and Seven. When those become too difficult, we will go on to Chapters Three and Eight, etc. Next year we will pick up in Chapters One and Six where we left off this year, assuming that my then 2nd grader's brain will be able to handle the more difficult concepts.


I'm not sure this is making any sense, but it has been working well for us so far.

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