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AoPS Prealgebra peeps - there's another on-line class scheduled

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Starts Nov 17 with Richard R. (facebook is good for something!)


Tempting, isn't it, LOL. We'll still stick to the book at home, especially now that we have access to the videos :D; we're in no rush. Still, it would be fun to "sit in" on one of those classes. (Any updates, ladies? how's it going?)


I also noticed that there are now four sections of Prealgebra 1 and only two sections of Algebra 1. I think that's interesting. Probably the pace keeps people from signing up? It looks like they're doing 13 chapters in 16 weeks. I wonder why they didn't break it into two courses, 1a and 1b, like Prealgeba 1 and 2.


I also wonder who all these kids are - mostly homeschoolers or mostly public-schooled kids.

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Can someone share what you get in this class? I am thinking of it for ds, maybe in the spring if it's available, but in only 1 hour a week, what are they providing? Homework? tests? They clearly can't teach all the material in 1 hour so what do they teach? Brownie

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Can someone share what you get in this class? I am thinking of it for ds, maybe in the spring if it's available, but in only 1 hour a week, what are they providing? Homework? tests? They clearly can't teach all the material in 1 hour so what do they teach? Brownie


I'm really interested in learning more about the way the classes run too. We just ordered Pre-Algebra last week, but won't be able to start for a few more weeks. I was debating on whether to sign ds up for the Nov class(if it's not already full by now:tongue_smilie:), or let him just work through the book to get used to the new-to-us program and leave the class component for next year's intro to algebra.

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The kids (even the little ones, LOL) really got a kick out of the Least Common Multiple video yesterday (dd's not there yet, but ds was playing around with the videos).


At one point, I started a particular video, and she said, "hey, I learned that today!" (from doing the lesson problems).


Dd's finishing up the exercises from the last section of ch 2 and will hopefully start on the summary exercises today. She's learning tons, though we're still having issues with not wanting to write things down :glare:. But overall, so far so good.

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I was wondering if they would do that. We just squeaked into the one that starts next week. I looked at the new one though and we couldn't do it at that time. I'm still unsure of how it will work but ds is excited to try it and has enjoyed the book a lot so we'll see.

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