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Christians, esp. women - can we discuss "vocation" or "calling?"

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We did specific exercises, spiritual reflections, readings, etc. related to our readings from the text, Bible and other sources that encouraged a lot of thought about what we were called to do in our lay ministry. In that process we had to consider our experiences, skills, talents, etc. The fellowship involved also helped with that.


...I learned I'm generally pretty good at distilling complicated ideas and communicating them in different ways so people with different perspectives can understand. This wasn't because there was a specific activity targeted to rooting that out but because the process allowed that to come out over the term of the course. That led to thinking about what that skill was good for and how I use it. Well, I homeschool the kids for one and it's been very useful there. I'm a Girl Guide leader. Seems my ministry might be one of teaching. And I'll probably start training next year to become a mentor for the same course online.


And that has got me thinking about jobs that involve teaching/mentoring/training. That was something I hadn't considered for myself before the course.


I rediscovered a book the other day - What Color Is Your Parachute? It's updated every year, and I didn't realize how much it had changed since I had last read it. But anyway, what you said about your course reminds me of what I remember about this book. It's not just a job-hunting book - it is about finding your gifts/desires and matching them to some type of work for yourself.


Oh I could write a book about my life... However, deep down inside I just wonder if God is calling me to that due to what I've learned in my life experiences. ...Oh my...I'm more comfortable with math and science!


Well, through the years God has shown me that HE equips the called ...


What Chris said sort of struck me, too. But at first I was thinking that vocation/calling would use what you ARE comfortable with. But I reread that post, and it got me thinking. And then you wrote the above, which is the exact opposite of me. I feel a little more comfortable (if still inexperienced) with the language arts side of things, whereas math/science scare me. Yet they really intrigue me, and the other day I was entertaining thoughts of "Hmm.....maybe I could take some math/science classes at a university and challenge myself!" haha, that would take massive preparation on my part, but the thought both scared and excited me. So I think I get what Chris was talking about.


Understanding your calling also has to do with recognizing your own areas of passion and areas of gifting.


I'm starting to see common themes here.


I have felt called to counsel, minister, write, pray, create, teach. How I've lived this out has taken various forms over the years, and has often been something I've done on a volunteer basis than as a paid professional. My vocation is something I need to do. I need to create. I need to write. I need to pray. It is a natural outpouring of myself and when I don't do these things, when I don't live out my vocation and calling, I become miserable and depressed.


Thanks, this is very helpful to my thinking.


Did you mean how it felt when we knew we were heading in the right direction? It's a passion. You don't just close the door when you leave for home after working, you think about areas you would like to research more, learn more, etc.


Thank you, and yes, that's what I meant.


L'Engle addresses this in her book "A Circle of Quiet." She talks about her "decade of failure" and how she had to come to terms with herself as a writer -someone she WAS- regardless of getting outside acknowledgment or pay for writing. I believe that this struggle with our calling and how it manifests itself in our lives (or not) is fairly common. I personally would love to get paid for the work that I do as I live out my vocation. To date I've generated very little income. Do I quit living my calling? It's tempting, but I can't un-make myself.


I remember reading this part in that book many years ago. In fact, just this morning before reading this thread I thought about getting some of her books from the library again - I esp. loved this book. Her life was so interesting - probably because of how she wrote about it.


I plan someday to finish my education someday and possibly work as a community college teacher. I don't think of it as a calling, except that I am called to care for my kids and working will help get them through college.


Now this is an interesting thought, too! I've struggled with the whole issue of "I want my kids to go to university, yet we are not able to save for it, yet I don't want them to have debt."

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I've been reading L'Engle's Circle of Quiet and she actually addreses this as she writes about her need to write.

I have felt called to counsel, minister, write, pray, create, teach. How I've lived this out has taken various forms over the years, and has often been something I've done on a volunteer basis than as a paid professional. My vocation is something I need to do. I need to create. I need to write. I need to pray. It is a natural outpouring of myself and when I don't do these things, when I don't live out my vocation and calling, I become miserable and depressed.


YES! You said it very well, much better than I did. Thank you! Need to re-read L'Engle.

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Perhaps you weren't wrong. Perhaps the timing is off. When my missionary stuff started it all opened up without me having "try" to walk anything. Everything fell into place in front of me all at exactly the right timing. I knew previously that I was going to be one, and I tried looking around for stuff, but nothing opened up until the timing was right and BOOM everything went perfectly.


Thanks so much for the encouragement! It's easy, when you're in the middle of it all, to forget.

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L'Engle addresses this in her book "A Circle of Quiet." She talks about her "decade of failure" and how she had to come to terms with herself as a writer -someone she WAS- regardless of getting outside acknowledgment or pay for writing. I believe that this struggle with our calling and how it manifests itself in our lives (or not) is fairly common. I personally would love to get paid for the work that I do as I live out my vocation. To date I've generated very little income. Do I quit living my calling? It's tempting, but I can't un-make myself.

My dh and I both have come up against brick walls in living out our vocation. It IS disouraging. This week I was SO discouraged because of road blocks. ARGH. My dd wrote this on a prominant place in our dining room, "Do not be discouraged or dismayed, for the Lord God is with you." HE has NOT forgotten what He has called you to do!


This really speaks to me right now. Wow!


I'm going to find "A Circle of Quiet"--sounds like exactly what I need!

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After posting earlier this morning I picked up my little devotional by Oswald Chambers and was not surprised to see that today's entry has to do with this very subject. The title of this entry is, The Consciousness of the Call and it is so good! Here is a quote from the last paragraph, which sums up his words well:


If you have a copy of My Utmost for His Highest, I highly recommend the whole reading for today.







I just had to tell you...this is one of those "strange" things that we can either say, "Oh what a coincidence", OR "God what are you trying to tell me?"


Well, I had this same sort of thing happen this afternoon to me. After I posted earlier, I received a phone call from a homeschool mom I had tried to help with some math decisions a few months ago. She had lost my info and found it just today I believe. At any rate she called me today saying she had tried to find my "website" after she had lost my number and well...she couldn't find that either because it doesn't exist:001_smile:. So, she finally found the paper she had it written my information down on and called me. We had a nice chat and it was such a blessing to know that maybe I could help her.


Anyway, when things like this happen, I really stand up and take notice. In my heart, I ask God if this is from him...is he leading me in this direction...please show me the way he would have me to go. So, is he calling me to this? God may call me to yet another vocation whereby I believe being a wife, mother, and homeschool mom is one as well. That doesn't mean I'll make any money with my vocation :001_smile: Hope this makes sense...the natives are restless...I mean my other vocation needs me right now :D


In all seriousness...


I pulled out my 1828 Webster's to share the definition of vocation...

1. Among divines, a calling by the will of God; or the bestowment of God's distinguishing grace upon a person or nation, by which that person or nation is put in the way of salvation;.....

2. Summons; call; inducement.

3. Designation or destination to a particular state or profession.

4. Employment; calling; occupation; trade; a word that includes professions as well as mechanical occupations. Let every divine, every physician, every lawyer, and every mechanic, be faithful and diligent in his vocation.



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In all seriousness...


I pulled out my 1828 Webster's to share the definition of vocation...

1. Among divines, a calling by the will of God; or the bestowment of God's distinguishing grace upon a person or nation, by which that person or nation is put in the way of salvation;.....

2. Summons; call; inducement.

3. Designation or destination to a particular state or profession.

4. Employment; calling; occupation; trade; a word that includes professions as well as mechanical occupations. Let every divine, every physician, every lawyer, and every mechanic, be faithful and diligent in his vocation.





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