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Library books list... is there an app for that?

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I know it seems silly and my dh just smiled at me. But, I am thinking that there must be an app for that. Where you can make a list from the library site or whatever that will organize by call number and that you can "check" off as you get the book. For now I make a list and if a pencil is not at hand I keep on checking and double checking to make sure I already got the book. I plan a trip to get books for 3 weeks, so I normally get a good amount. Anyone more technology inclined perhaps know of such a thing.

Thanks. Be well


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Thank you Kristen. I found something called Library Books, which keeps track of all the books loaned and holds. Good thing to avoid fines, etc. it does not let me create a list with call numbers. I looked up the two you suggested and neither allow me to create a "wish" list. Indeed, I am looking for a mobile version. I just wish I was smart enough to develop apps for my needs. I have plenty of ideas, but am not able to do them. Humm, time to learn something new.

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An idea that might work - use a grocery shopping app.


I have one that lets you input your own items, edit the names of "aisles/categories" and check them off the list into a cart.


You could just name your list "Library" and edit an aisle to be "Book."

That might work.


It's called Shopper and has a green background icon with a white shopping cart on it.

ETA: it also has a bar code scanner - so if you're in a bookstore and see one you want to put on the list you could just "scan" it and it usually pops up from amazon, and add it to your Library list.

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Does your library have a mobile site (not necessarily an app, but a site that's easily readable on a mobile device)? Mine does, and in addition to putting books on hold, i can also add them to a virtual book shelf. I do think when I want to remember to put something on hold later (since we're only allowed 3 holds per card). I can also access my current checked out list online as well as renew things online.

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Does your library have a mobile site (not necessarily an app, but a site that's easily readable on a mobile device)? Mine does, and in addition to putting books on hold, i can also add them to a virtual book shelf. I do think when I want to remember to put something on hold later (since we're only allowed 3 holds per card). I can also access my current checked out list online as well as renew things online.


I am not sure about that feature. I can place holds, renew, and review my items checked out online. However, a virtual book shelf is exactly what I am looking for. I will have to check on that. Thank you for the idea. Be well


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