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Does anyone study up on future curriculum?

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They are discussed at the high school (AND self education) board frequently, so you can get some good recommendations for specific titles there.


And a reminder to those with littles to check that board out for ideas. :001_smile:


ACK! An entire board dedicated to self-education?! :auto:


(Oh and when DH came home today, I greeted him with a "there's a hexadecimal system that they use in computer programming (neiner, neiner, neiner)" but he already knew. Somehow that wasn't brought up in our original 2 o'clock in the morning conversation. Or maybe it was and I just didn't remember...because it was 2 o'clock in the morning :lol:)

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DH told me one that goes, "There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that can ready binary and those that can't." :lol: If you know of others, please let me know.


I read this to DH last night; he turned and gave me this look, :confused: .


Then he said, slowly and sweetly as though I had an issue with brain function, "Honey you know that is a one and a zero not a ten, right? That is what binary is sweetie."



I didn't feel so bad making him listen to my obsessing about NEXT year's science curriculum after that! :tongue_smilie:

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I'm either smart or disillusioned. With my 9th grader I read what she reads for discussion purposes and I research resources to assist with trouble spots - usually writing. I outsource Science, history isn't really taught but read and discussed. Math - I know algebra and only reread sections if we get stuck on a problem. What do I need to be so far ahead on?


7th and 5th grade don't we already know this stuff? I spend way more time looking ahead "what's next type of assignments," planning field trips, researching resources, reading/grading work. What am I suppose to be teaching myself that I don't already know or can't know reading alongside them? They read a lot of short stories and novels I've never read but once I read them I immediately make connections that are easily discussed on the spot.



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I'm either smart or disillusioned.


:D And does it really matter which? (Running joke in my family. No disrespect intended).


The evidence is I'm at least somewhat savvy as well as "book smart." But, I'm also over 45 in a family where the women get dementia. I'll be brushing up. Heck on The Grapes of Wrath thread (I think it was on the high school board), I didn't even remember the final scene discussed! I read the whole thing in high school. :bored: Sooo, I see holes developing. And, I have years before my littles are there.


So, long way to say, depends on your memory and your initial exposure, I would guess.

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I'm currently remediating myself in math using Math Mammoth 5th-8th grade materials. There are some things I just didn't understand when I was in school and math was a nightmare for me.


I think it has actually been good for my kid to see me working on math. I'm hoping it shows her that even grown ups have things they need to learn and if you are interested in something you should take steps to find out about the subject. Or maybe she doesn't notice and I'm just fooling myself. :tongue_smilie:

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Mine are young as well but as my son has needed explicit phonics instruction I've figured out that I either never learned it or have long since forgotten it. I have found a whole world opened up that I didn't realize was there, the phonics naturally has led into spelling. Learning about both of these has then led into working on grammar as well, which I always hated. Somehow I got As on papers without being able to recall hardly any of it- I'd love to be able to actually understand and explain it! My increased understanding leaves me a lot less reliant on fancy programs(we are using a vintage program now and the white board) as well, which is nice, as before I needed it all spelled out to me. I have much better confidence in being able to teach my daughter reading and hope that they receive a better foundation than I received.

Edited by soror
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I'm either smart or disillusioned. With my 9th grader I read what she reads for discussion purposes and I research resources to assist with trouble spots - usually writing. I outsource Science, history isn't really taught but read and discussed. Math - I know algebra and only reread sections if we get stuck on a problem. What do I need to be so far ahead on?


7th and 5th grade don't we already know this stuff? I spend way more time looking ahead "what's next type of assignments," planning field trips, researching resources, reading/grading work. What am I suppose to be teaching myself that I don't already know or can't know reading alongside them? They read a lot of short stories and novels I've never read but once I read them I immediately make connections that are easily discussed on the spot.




I would go with smart. :D


For me, not only do I feel like I need a refresher course to remember some things, but there was a lot that I never even knew. I never knew there was such a thing as diagramming a sentence. I never knew there were alternative mathematics systems. Grammar and writing weren't explained all that well. And forget about classics. We read maybe two books a year. Freshman year we started reading, "Of Mice and Men" but that was taking too long so she had us read the play. Well that was taking too long so she just showed us the movie. I feel gypped of a good education, so now I'm just taking it into my hands.

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