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S/O Other Parents are Irresponsible

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Again, because I have ZERO idea of what the texts actually said so I have ZERO idea of what the boy's family is actually like. Was violence mentioned? Body parts? The actual act of "hmm hmm" itself? What?


We have people here who think, "Shut yer trap" is offensive and people here who think it's hysterically funny. I personally find that phrasage just plain odd.


We have the entire SPECTRUM here on this board of people's perspectives on offensive material and outside of child porn, I bet we'd get almost ZERO agreement on it.


I have ZERO idea of what the OP finds offensive as well. I am cognizant that the boy's family may read the texts and find nothing offensive at all in them.


Is the OP prepared for that? Is she prepared to be laughed at, ridiculed, or be yelled at? Is her DD ready for any social repercussions against her for being a "baby" or a "tattletale?" Has this situation triggered something in the OP a'la our other threads about "Protecting the Gift?"


I don't set my friends up to potentially fail at something and until I know otherwise, I am going to treat the OP as a friend. :001_smile:

And without more information about the other family, I would not advise the OP to go poking around in there.


If you find a hole with a snake in it and you've got a stick, you'll probably pull out a garter snake. But every once in awhile, you'll get a rattlesnake. So be prepared for the rattlesnake and if a garter snake pops out, all you are is overprepared. :D


It's a cell phone. Block the kid. And keep your eyes and ears a little more open to what's going on with the DD.


I'm confused about the bolded. The OP of that thread was rather specific about the acts talked about in the texts and that they included instructions on how to commit them.

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I said go to through the school first. I would assume that the school would then contact the other parents.

The parents should certainly know about it, but I would not want to confront them on my own. This is not because I automatically assume that the parents are not teaching their kid right.

It is because I am thinking that there is a POSSIBILITY that 1. the parents may think this behavior is fine, and 2. that the parents may become enraged at me. It is because I am thinking of the worst-case scenario in that confrontation, which is physical violence directed at me or DH or repercussions for my child.

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