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Choline--Yllek or anyone


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I finally got ds a choline supplement. It's KAL. Yllek, you had said you're using Twinlab. It's choline bitartrate, like what you're using. Interestingly, the amount in one tablet (125 mg) is equivalent to the amount of choline in an egg. Since 2 eggs gives him a strong surge in speech, I thought I'd start with 2 tablets of the choline.


I've also started him on enzymes from Houston, and they seem to be making a difference, definitely at least with the milk problem.

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I *wish* I could get my kiddos to eat eggs. I have a flock of backyard chickens that lay the most beautiful, organic, fully free-range, deep-orange eggs, and my children will not touch them. :glare: The irony just sickens me.


Why are you supp-ing if your ds is eating eggs?


Tell me more about your enzymes. :bigear:

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Well if a little is good, a little more is better, eh? Eggs are a start, but I've gotten more improvement by giving him eggs AND soy. And I'm concerned that too much soy is a problem for a boy (which it is). So I'm hoping by starting the supplement I can get the same results without the negatives. But it would take a lot of the tablets, possibly 4-6, to equal what he was getting through the combo of the eggs and the soy. So I'm hoping if I do say 4 choline tablets and keep going with the eggs, we'll be a little better than we were without the negatives.


The enzymes are from here http://www.houston-enzymes.com/ I don't know if you noticed the section in the GAPS book where it talks about milk protein not digesting properly and the awful symptoms it causes? Well that was my dd when she was little, and we realized it was happening with ds too. The enzymes seem to help. I started him on just the one for protein, based on the advice of Dr. Houston there. They have a powdered product that has all 3 types of enzymes they sell, and I decided to try that with him. Interestingly, his bowels have started cleaning out. They have always been a bit sluggish or at least infrequent. So I definitely think it's good for him.


Don't know what to say about your egg problem. I can't even fathom. Maybe they're secretly telling you their stomachs hurt or the protein isn't digesting well?


BTW, if anyone's not clear what I'm talking about, the choline is something Yllek has mentioned as being part of the process of neurotransmission. My ds' verbal apraxia is partly a matter of the connectors not going through. I've wondered if all the praxis stuff is. So anyways, choline specifically helps that. My ds goes from just one or two words to 4+ in his sentences, boom, when he eats eggs or foods that are high in choline. Drop the foods that are high in choline, and the speech goes back down. It's incredibly dramatic. But as the only two foods really high in choline are soy and eggs, I wanted to see if a supplement source would work. That's what I'm trying now. And it's an interesting thing to watch for effectiveness, because I know how well he *should* sound if he eats x number eggs. And one egg equals the choline in one of those tablets.


Clear as mud? :)

Edited by OhElizabeth
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No way! That's very interesting!! I've gotta chew on that. It's such a bummer you have to take so MUCH of the choline to get an equivalent response. How much choline is your ds taking?


My ds doesn't like his eggs boiled either btw. I didn't when I was a child. Do they like breakfast burritos with lots of beans and salsa and bacon (turkey of course) and yummy stuff? We had those in an airport in Las Vegas once and got utterly hooked. Ds likes them too.

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Two things, Oh Elizabeth, what kind of soy? A lot of what I read says to eat fermented only (miso, tempeh, and I forgot the other one).


And I have read that you can freeze the raw liver for 12 days minimum, then cut tiny pieces and hide it in the food.


I have read so much I may be mixing things up, but I did buy choline/inositol together for ds for awhile, but he tested low on zinc and B12 and choline was mentioned as not tolerated, so we stopped it. I think he takes the inositol by itself (he is adult and handles a lot himself, I just pay the supplement bill...).



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