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Runners and shoes

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So I have flat feet and am a severe overpronater. I usually have to use motion control shoes when I run. I started out in Asics, and moved on to Brooks for more support. I decided to try something different, based on multiple recommendations.

I got a pair of Nike Free 3.0 v2. These have very thin, flexible soles-pretty much the opposite of my stiff MC shoes.

So far I am loving them! My legs are definitely sore the day after a run, due to my using muscles I haven't worked in a while.

I would recommend these shoes to someone who likes the concepts of barefoot or minimalist running, but aren't quite there. These shoes pretty much force me to not heel strike.

What running shoes do you prefer?

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I can run in almost anything that costs more than $60. Below that threshold most of the shoes (IMO) are garbage. From there to $120, there isn't a huge range of improvement for me. I ran in the expensive shoes in high school and my father paid for them. I ran in slightly less expensive shoes in college and the school paid for them. Now I pay for them myself. I just checked the pair I bought last week. Asics Gels here too. It's the first pair of Asics I've worn in probably a decade. I've usually worn Adidas or New Balance. I've only put 30 miles on them, but they've been alright.


I have high arches according to the wet foot test where you put your foot on a piece of paper. Nothing touches in the middle of my foot. My natural stride has some heel strike but no heavy pounding. I know some people do well with barefoot running, but I'm not a "true believer." (Meaning I don't think every runner everywhere should frolic shoeless through the streets. :D )

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I love my Vibram Five Fingers, though I'm not quite able to run long (for me) distances yet. For that, lol, I wear my old Adidas shoes that I got of the clearance table in a children's section of a sporting goods store. I tried buying Brooks Ghost shoes, but all that "support" just messes with me. I've had to quit wearing those to run in. I definitely do better with a more minimal approach.


I think it's strange that in running, the "fix" for most problems seems to be bigger-and-bigger shoes rather than addressing issues of technique and strength.

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I use my VFFs for weight lifting. I'm not quite able to run in them yet. I love the Nike Frees, but my feet are simply too wide for them. The toe box is too restrictive. I currently run in the Brooks Green Silence and I looooooooo-ve them.


I can't say enough about minimalist shoes and barefoot running. Ah-mazing!

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