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Felt good about our year, now feeling panicky. Input please!


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Hi, so my DS7 is technically a second grader, but is a little behind and DS5 is kindy, but advanced so, I am trying to lump them together in everything except L.A. because DS7 is ahead of DS5 in that area.


So far this is what we are doing:


SOTW1 - both of them participate in this, but it's more for DS7


RS Math B - It is starting out too simple for DS7, but is good for DS5. I am assuming the pace will pick up though as we are only on lesson 10. I also have MM grade 2 on order. - I am thinking of using it as a supplement.


HWT- I just bought these and they haven't started yet. I got a book that is mostly printing practice for DS7 and bought the kindy book for DS5 (he is very excited for it).


ETC- I bought this for both of them also. DS7 book 1 and DS5 book A


OPGTR- I haven't started this yet, but we are going to start this week. I was just going to do it with DS5, but DS7 isn't reading yet and I guess I don't know what to do about it we were using Bonnie Dettmer's Phonics for Reading and Spelling (it's a Spalding spin off). So, he knows all his letter sounds and some multi letter phonograms, but he doesn't blend sounds very well and has a hard time remembering the phonograms when he is reading. I don't know if taking him back to the beginning with OPGTR is the answer or just trying to get him to practice reading more will do the trick. Any advice in this area is greatly appreciated. I feel like I am failing him.


RSO Earth and Space- For both of them. DS7 LOVES science and is really good at understanding the concepts.


FIAR vol 1 - I recently ordered this for DS5 primarily, but DS7 will also be around and involved.


How does this seem? I mostly feel kind of scattered and I am afraid (especially after other things I have read) that RS B will hold him back when I think he could do really well at math. Will adding in MM be confusing? I am also really nervous/concerned about reading. Reading is pretty much the most important thing I will ever teach him and I don't know where to go. I feel like we are treading water. Will OPGTR help propel us forward? Or do we just need to focus on reading reading reading? We have BOB books, but a lot of times he just looks at the pictures. What kind of readers do others use?


I'm sorry if this is long and rambling. I think I am in need of some encouragement.

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:grouphug: No need to panic.


OPGTR worked very well for us. Not that we didn't have "I hate doing school!" days, but the book gave DS8 and DD6 the skills to sound out words and gave them confidence without distracting pictures. What about enlisting the 7yo to help teach the 5yo at the beginning of OPGTR? He would get some good review and might be less likely to get bored if he knows the material already.


I'm not familiar with some of your other curricula. Could your 7yo work through RS at his own pace (ie as fast as he wants, if it's easy for him) and then move on to MM? We also use two math curricula; 4 days/week of one and 1day/wk of the other.


You'll get it worked out, don't worry!

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I think these choices look great! We are using FIAR and loving it, as well as ETC and MM. For me, adding SOTW and a science program would be too much, as we do all of our history/social studies and most science through FIAR, but if your ds loves science, it makes sense to include that.


As far as reading, you have some good phonics programs there. My advice is not to kill reading by emphasizing the phonics programs, BOB books, etc. too heavily. In my experience a combination of fun phonics practice and lots of great books (FIAR will help with that), magazines, and other reading materials attractive for DCs will get them where they need to be. Motivation is KEY for young kids learning to read--so keep it fun and try not to stress! Good luck!

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