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Curriculums that has brought you to tears....


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Not quite tears, because that would be ironic indeed, but Handwriting Without Tears. I cannot believe my dd6's handwriting... I have been plagued by lousy writing my whole life and eventually in high school switched to all-uppercase because nobody could understand what I was writing; I couldn't write fast enough OR accurately enough for anybody's liking, including my own. I don't know what it was, because we sure practiced and practiced in my elementary school, but I have seen nothing like HWOT. We've been using it since before she was 5, but in the last year, her writing has gone from backwards and illegible to the occasional problem with b's and d's, p's and q's. I'm sure these will resolve very soon.

Meanwhile, everybody in our family can't get over how beautifully she writes...

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Math Mammoth, I don't think we every cried, but we have been on both ends of the spectrum with this. Some areas have taken so...long...to...get...through and my son struggled so much, borrowing in subtraction (he still messes this up if he isn't paying attention) and multiplication. But all the work is paying off now. He started long division last week and it is going smooth as silk. I was expecting to be in for another long haul, but, while he still needs some practice, it isn't going to take months to get through. :)

Edited by Tam101
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Math U See! I went crazy switching math programs with my first two. My third child was in second grade and not even able to do addition facts. Ugh. Put both her and her younger sister into MUS Alpha and it has been a breeze. Number 4 had a few bumps along the way where she had to work a little harder than our usual 20 minutes/day.


Now they are both in Lesson 4 of Algebra 1, more like 30-45 minutes per day. We still love Mr. Demme and I am glad he is the teacher and NOT ME. All the trouble I had with my older two makes me appreciate it so much.



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