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Stanford Achievement Test

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This may be a weird question. :) My daughter took the Stanford Achievement Test last year (3rd grade). Overall, she did well. On the OLSAT portion, her non-verbal section was notably lower than the verbal. The difference was striking. I don't really understand what it means by verbal and non-verbal. And should I work on strengthening the non-verbal skills or does it really matter?


If anyone can explain it, I would be grateful. :)

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This may be a weird question. :) My daughter took the Stanford Achievement Test last year (3rd grade). Overall, she did well. On the OLSAT portion, her non-verbal section was notably lower than the verbal. The difference was striking. I don't really understand what it means by verbal and non-verbal. And should I work on strengthening the non-verbal skills or does it really matter?


If anyone can explain it, I would be grateful. :)



Is the Stanford Achievement Test also known as the STAR test? I can't remember. I don't know if this helps our not, but this is what non-verbal questions can look like on the Cogat.

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This may be a weird question. :) My daughter took the Stanford Achievement Test last year (3rd grade). Overall, she did well. On the OLSAT portion, her non-verbal section was notably lower than the verbal. The difference was striking. I don't really understand what it means by verbal and non-verbal. And should I work on strengthening the non-verbal skills or does it really matter?


If anyone can explain it, I would be grateful. :)


Do you mean the Stanford Binet?



You may want to try posting it on the Accelerated Learner forum. I know I had a question when we got my son's results and I asked it there.

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Jenbrdsly, a friend of mine had told me that it dealt with patterns, so you're probably thinking of the correct thing. Seeing an example of it helps me out. Thank you.


Michelle, no this is a standardized test that is taken by students that compares them nationally rather than locally. It does have an intelligence part on it, but it's not solely used for testing gifted. Thanks for the suggestion to post in Accelerated Learners. I'm going to google a bit more having seen an example and see if I can sort through it.


Thank you both :)

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This is what I found about the Olsat which is the bottom score that says verbal non verbal. Is this what you mean? It has some pictures of the sample test.

I used to use Mind Benders & Critical Thinkers books with my girls. They love those. I think they are the same types of questions as the non verbal test. It is all about what is next. Visual Mind benders was what I believe the OLSAT is. Kind of similar.

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