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Writing Strands....what do or don't you like about it?


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I noticed on the "What is the worst hs item you've ever bought" thread, a few people have mentioned Writing Strands. I see this is what MFW recommends for writing and I was thinking about trying it out next year.


Would anyone mind sharing what exactly you didn't like about it? Or if you have used it and liked it, what did you like about it?


Thanks! :)

Edited by MamaHappy
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Writing Strands does not use modeling or imitation. For a new writer or struggling writer, I can see where this would be a problem.


I like Writing Strands for the vast coverage and creativity of the lesson. I like that it is divided into chunks that take a short time to complete. I have decided to complete writing 2 days a week and grammar 3 days a week. I use Writing Strands in conjunction with Writer's Express. I like the models that are used in Writer's Express. You could use WS without any additions, but I like to be more indepth and require a great deal of writing each week.

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I like Writing Strands for the vast coverage and creativity of the lesson. I like that it is divided into chunks that take a short time to complete.



In our case, I feel ds is getting enough writing with Writing Strands and by doing outlines and summaries in history and science, so we don't use an additional writing program. Although, I'd like to look into Writer's Express. It's nice to have models sometimes. To be honest, we tried WS for the first time a few years ago and it was a bust. It's just so different from traditional programs, it was hard for me to get the point of those first initial lessons. They seemed a little cheesy. Looking back, I think part of the problem was that I started ds on a lower level than I should have. We tried WWE a couple of times, too. That was torture for ds. He also did Voyages in English for a couple of years, for both grammar and writing. Grammar part is excellent, the writing was fine. Anyway, I'm so glad that we gave WS another try, because this time, it has worked great! Ds enjoys writing now and has learned how to use different techniques to make his writing more engaging. Most of all, it has really helped him learn how to organize his ideas. This is our 2nd year using it, he's on WS 5.



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I use WS, but it doesn't provide any of the grammar or punctuation basics and gives only minimal guidelines as to how or what to write. The blanks in the books are also awfully small for what they're asking! I usually wind up adding extra guidelines and letting DS write on separate paper. I like it, though, and also use Writing Skills to supplement and reinforce ideas. Between those two and his history summaries, he's getting a decent grasp of writing IMO.

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I use WS, but it doesn't provide any of the grammar or punctuation basics and gives only minimal guidelines as to how or what to write.

The author never intended WS to teach grammar or puncutation. :-)


WS gives minimal guidelines, but they are specific to what is being taught for that specific lesson.


The blanks in the books are also awfully small for what they're asking! I usually wind up adding extra guidelines and letting DS write on separate paper.

I always had my dc write on paper, not in the book. The author didn't intend for WS to be a workbook. :-)

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