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PR Question


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I am just about to start teaching Week 5 of PR1. After watching week 5 session on the DVD I am a little confused about the use of the clipboard/protective sheet. Do I have my Dd write using the protective sheet all week and then on Friday actually write the words on the paper? Or do I have her practice several times on the protective sheet and then on the paper all in the same day? If we do the practicing and then writing on the paper all in one day, that just seems like to much writing for a K/1st grade student. :confused: I know these questions probably seem silly.


If you use PR how do you approach using the clipboard? Any help would be very much appreciated!

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Well I'm only on week 4 with my 6 year old right now. However, I did accelerate an older child through the program last year. We never used the clipboard. I'm not sure if I'll use it with my 6 year old or not. I think I may give it a try, but if she feels it's too much writing, I'll probably just do the notebook. I'm pretty sure Mrs. Beers recommends that the student write the words for practice on the clipboard and then write them on the paper all in the same day.


Another thing I was considering was to let her do the work on the clipboard all week, then on Friday re-test the words on paper as a review. You are supposed to be practicing the previous words before giving new ones, but we never did that either because I had an older student. I'm going to have to figure out a method with my 6 year old to make sure we are doing review often enough.

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