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For those who can't afford P90X..

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I found this set called Supreme 90 Day System at bed Bath and Beyond for $19.99...I was even able to use my 20% off coupon to get it cheaper! It has 10 discs and employs the same 'muscle confusion' technique as P90X...you do need various dumbbells and an exercise ball. I attempted the chest and shoulder workout today and it was good and tough...just thought I'd share...I'm going to be sore tomorrow!!


Here's the official website to get info, but go to Bed Bath and Beyond to save shipping and get an extra 20% off...or if you have one of those $5 off coupons, even better :)


Edited by mom26
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I have P90X but for that price I may have to get that one too! I get bored with the same dvd's.


Thanks for sharing.



I hope you won't be disappointed...I believe there is a 30 day money back guarantee. There is also a nutritional pgm that goes along with it....I'm sure P90X has a ton more bells and whistles but I am thrilled to find something I could afford to crosstrain on my 'off'days as I train for a half marathon in November.

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