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First Day with MUS...No Tears! Quite the Contrary!

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Me: Sorry guys this (MUS) is taking so long. It's just the first day and we'll hit our stride soon.

Boys: That's okay, I'm enjoying it! I thought it was going to be boring. This is 20,000 times more fun than the other math! It's great. I love it. I want to do it again.

Me (slightly shocked): Oh, okay, well, that's the plan.

John: Okay, I'm ready!


So yeah, it's just the first day, but I've never gotten that much excitement from them about math! I guess there are some positives to enduring a horrible math curriculum (for us anyways, it's works great for others!) the previous 2 years. Some perspective perhaps for the boys? ;)

Edited by JENinOR
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yeah, that was what sold me on MUS, no more groans. My oldest is doing Algebra II this year with MUS, I tried to switch to another program for Algebra I, but she begged to go back to MUS.


I'm teaching 5 kids, MUS has saved my sanity. :001_smile: Happy for you and your great start!!

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yeah, that was what sold me on MUS, no more groans. My oldest is doing Algebra II this year with MUS, I tried to switch to another program for Algebra I, but she begged to go back to MUS.


I'm teaching 5 kids, MUS has saved my sanity. :001_smile: Happy for you and your great start!!


That's great to hear you can manage MUS with 5! I will have 4 in it in a few years. Really, it only took us an hour for two and we did all of lesson 1 today. :D That's supposed to take the whole week! I'm starting at the beginning with a 2nd and 3rd grader though. I love the emphasis on place value. Right off the bat they're learning the hundreds, tens, and units place. Awesome.



Oh yes, that's what my boys were doing today!




:lol: I think this is the start of a beautiful thing!



I'm so thankful for Sue in St. Pete's review of MUS and it was that final nudge I needed to purchasing it. So thankful to be feeling hopeful and good about math again!

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