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Tripple Schedule issue Need Help!! Please

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I am wonder if I am over doing it or not doing enough as I having a hard time trying to schedule my dd12 subject but have run into a brick wall:banghead: because somewhere along the line I feel something is not right.


Here is the schedule uploaded because it explains better than i can tell.







Aio - Rod/Staff

Writing- Cqla, Ingniting your writing or Wordsmith

Grammar-Winston Grammar

Mechanics- Evan-Moor Daily Para Edit.





Because of this schedule I am having a hard time trying to schedule in these areas of study without being to rigorous but then again maybe I am not being rigorous enough.


I do not mind once again making a new schedule but this will be my forth because either they did not work or dd12 resisted. :confused::glare:.


Suggestions are appreciated.:001_smile:



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Math - 5x week

Language Arts - 5x week

Science - 2x week or 3x week

History - 2x week or 3x week

Bible - daily

Flute - daily

Software program - daily


How about doing a loop schedule for the remaining subjects? Or focusing on 1 elective subject per month?


Focusing on 1 elective a month is not something I thought about I will keep that in mind as I see there is no way around redoing the schedule again:glare:.

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Math, language arts, science and history daily, I agree.

PLUS foreign language daily, especially if the student is still a beginner!


Technology and software - can you incorporate that into a content subject? As in, learn Powerpoint when making a history presentation, learn Excel when doing a science lab?

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OK, Here is what I came up with so far after reading everyone's postings


4 Main subjects during the week

Art ( 2-3x weekly)

health (2-3x weekly)

Rosetta stone ( ???)

Tech/software (2-3x weekly)(which includes using MS office or tutorial,typing etc when doing assignments)


Does this sound a little better so far or still to much?

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OK, Here is what I came up with so far after reading everyone's postings


4 Main subjects during the week

Art ( 2-3x weekly)

health (2-3x weekly)

Rosetta stone ( ???)

Tech/software (2-3x weekly)(which includes using MS office or tutorial,typing etc when doing assignments)


Does this sound a little better so far or still to much?


For technology, why not integrate it into your other subjects? For example, if a paragraph is due for language arts, have her type it. If a presentation is needed for science or history, have her use PowerPoint. If you have math involving graphs, have her make the graphs in Excel.

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