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Common Core Standards

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't believe you haven't got takers on this one. Tonight I actually sat down and watched my local news (unprecedented, as I often can think of several unpleasant things I'd rather do) and "in passing" it was mentioned that Arkansas is adopting the Common Core State Standards.

The pdf files bogged down my computer, so I'll have to take more time to go over all of them.


What I noticed right away:

1) The language arts standards are vague in that they state the goal to be achieved and give no clear instructions as to how the goal is to be achieved. I noted that there seems to be a push in the direction of almost logic-stage thinking in the early grades.


Advantages: Because there is no set plan on how to get children to the expected level, there could be room for a wide variety of approaches.


Disadvantages: There is going to be a push on in curricula to "meet Common Core standards". I've got a feeling, given the vague guidelines that a lot of substance is going to be lost in the rush to provide the fluff.


Many of these core standards, at least in the language arts arena, are heavily dependent on early reading and exceptional listening and deductive reasoning skills. If a child is still struggling with reading by first grade, they are going to be behind by second grade. Those of us with SN children who know our children will get there with time and attention are likely going to feel a little stressed after reading some of these goals.


And the biggest disadvantage with lofty goals and no direction is that ANYONE with pointy hair can try to impose their own methods for the madness....

More after my computer manages to digest the volume.

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