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Lysteva? (female content)

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Call your local pharmacy and ask to speak with a pharmacist. They are your absolute best source of information about drugs! I'm a pharmacy tech, and when patients call our rph to ask a question like you posted, she'll look the drug up on several different data bases...it's amazing the info they have at their disposal.


Hope you find some answers.

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If you are finished with child bearing endometrial ablation is a breeze. It changed my life. I had to get two iron infusions prior to surgery due to extreme anemia. Presently my period lasts two days and I need one pad per day. It was twelve using both tampons and pad. I have my life back. I cannot recommend this highly enough IF you are done having children. If not, I am truly sorry you have to suffer with this. It is awful.

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If you are finished with child bearing endometrial ablation is a breeze. It changed my life. I had to get two iron infusions prior to surgery due to extreme anemia. Presently my period lasts two days and I need one pad per day. It was twelve using both tampons and pad. I have my life back. I cannot recommend this highly enough IF you are done having children. If not, I am truly sorry you have to suffer with this. It is awful.


Is the ablation on office visit type of procedure? Does it help if you have fibroids? Is it expensive? I am awaiting the results of an endometrial biopsy that I had done on Monday. Assuming it comes back negative for cancer and I don't have to have a hysterectomy, I want to pursue the ablation. Getting my life back from periods would be a very welcome change.


OP - I haven't heard of that med. I hope it works for you.

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Call your local pharmacy and ask to speak with a pharmacist. They are your absolute best source of information about drugs! I'm a pharmacy tech, and when patients call our rph to ask a question like you posted, she'll look the drug up on several different data bases...it's amazing the info they have at their disposal.


Hope you find some answers.


Great idea...thank you!


If you are finished with child bearing endometrial ablation is a breeze. It changed my life. I had to get two iron infusions prior to surgery due to extreme anemia. Presently my period lasts two days and I need one pad per day. It was twelve using both tampons and pad. I have my life back. I cannot recommend this highly enough IF you are done having children. If not, I am truly sorry you have to suffer with this. It is awful.


yes, I'm done. I've never heard of this I'll check into it. I am anemic too. I take iron pills three times a day during that time just so I don't feel drained completely!

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