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Help Deciding: MFW HOD LB WP????


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Hi Ladies. This is my first post but I've spent hours reading your threads gleaning wisdom from you all. This is our first year hsing. We are about to finish MFW K, which we used as a kinder prep over the summer. I am having trouble deciding what to buy for our official kinder year. It is complicated by a couple factors...


1. My son is 6.5. I decided to hold off any academic instruction until he was 6 (following a CM philosophy). So after his birthday we started MFWK. He has loved it, breezed through it & is easily reading the word lists (mostly CVC words).

2. We haven't supplemented MFW K math at all. It is very light & we will need to start at the beginning for kinder.


I'm just not sure if I should continue with MFW and use their first grade program. I heard it's a big jump from their K to 1st program, but because of his age & how easily the reading is coming to him maybe it would work?


Or should I choose something else? I was really considering HOD LHFHG. But would he just go quickly through The Reading Lesson until we reach information MFW had not covered?


I like a CM philosophy & because I have 3 kids including a baby I am looking for as open and go as possible. I am wondering if you all have any advice? I am most interested in MFW 1st, HOD LHFHG, Living Book (not sure if I should pick K or 1st based on his age and reading skills), and WP Hideaways or Animal Worlds.


I'd love some advice! Thanks in advance!

Edited by NaturalTXMama
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Since you are already familiar with MFW, I would go with MFW 1st. There IS quite a jump from the material in K to the material in 1st. I found that it went VERY fast (too fast for my struggling reader) and provided little reinforcement/review. Honestly, I didn't care for the reading instruction and eventually ditched it in favor of The Reading Lesson and Phonics Road. Then, I bored of the program altogether and switched to HOD. :tongue_smilie: That being said, we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE HOD! It is perfect for this "box-checking" Mom. I got dizzy flipping back and forth in the MFW guide so it was so refreshing having everything right there with HOD. Instructions, supplies, lesson, etc....all in this neat, organized boxy layout. :D It is very CM. My suggestion would be for you to check out the placement chart at the HOD website. At 6.5 and reading CVC words, your son might place into Beyond Little Hearts. Having done LHFHG with an advanced 5yo and struggling 7yo, I (we) found it to be a bit babyish. We are LOVING Beyond so far. There is a schedule for emerging readers but you can also use The Reading Lesson if you want. All of my kids except my 10th grader are using HOD. Breath of fresh air into our homeschool (even though we still have our attitudes and complaints from time to time). HTH and good luck with whatever you decide.

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