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Math U See Primer


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We never really watched the DVD at all until Samuel watched on of his brother's Pre-Algebra lessons and said,"Hey that guy is funny! Do you have DVD of MY math, too?" He would do as many pages as he wanted each day and build stuff with the blocks. Part of me sort of felt like Primer was a waste of time. As the year went on though, I began to see that he was learning and that it did have value. It just.starts.off.soooo.slooooowwwwwwlllly.

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We do more than 4 problems a day, maybe 2-3 pages depending on DD. We dont do every page in a lesson & I try to stop before she wants too,its great to leave them wanting for more ;).

We are only on Lesson 11 I think (weaning from the green). and its SOO slow! But Im sticking in there!

We usually will watch the dvd on most days just so DD may pick up on something she may not have the first time watching it.

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I'm replying before reading the other replies so sorry if I repeat a response.


When we did Primer last year we watched the DVD on the first day. Then we worked through some of the worksheets that week. We used the blocks as needed and I tried to think of other ways to illustrate the problems and make the lesson more applicable-using other blocks or making up our own story problems.


We kept it pretty simple and light but my daughter was very motivated to do more. Some weeks we covered more than one lesson and at other times it took us two weeks or more to cover a topic.


We used Primer as a relaxing and low-key way to introduce topics and it was a jumping off point for further exploration of each topic.


So, I don't think there's a right or wrong way to work through Primer. And if your child is saying that math has become a favorite then you're clearly on the right track. :001_smile:

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I've used Primer with both my boys, but in very different ways. Younger went slowly through every page, doing just a few questions per day (1-2 pages). Older often did all 6 pages, until he started getting bored from lack of challenge, and the we switched to doing pages A and D (A is on the new material; D is cumulative review). If he had no problems, we skipped the rest and moved on to the next lesson. He finished the whole book in about 3 months. With both boys we only watched the DVD lesson the first day. Primer does start slowly and is very gentle / simple overall, but I have found it gives a very nice overview of much of elementary math (helpful for older who is a whole-to-parts learner). And the gentle pace was very good for younger, building up confidence and nipping any "math anxiety" in the bud.

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We were doing the lesson on the hundreds place today. We did a little work in the workbook, but we also just sat with the blocks and practiced making numbers with the blocks and then writing the number on paper. I would say 172, she would build it, then she would write it on paper. We were really working on the concept of the hundreds' "house" on the left, then the tens' "house", then the units' "house. Also working on the concept of twenty being two blue blocks rather than twenty blue blocks. And we worked on just putting one digit in each place value. She was wanting to write 100702 instead of 172.


Other lessons we were able to zip through the pages, but place value is so critical and can be tricky, so we're spending a lot of time with blocks to be sure she really has a concrete grasp of how it works and how to form the numbers. (This is my third kid coming through MUS, btw.)


The funny thing--I had been trying to get the point across that each kind of block (units, tens, etc.) had to live in its own house on decimal street and we made up the whole story about how the beds wouldn't fit the other blocks and the chairs at the dinner table wouldn't fit. So today she had the blocks all mixed up and I was trying to get her to put them in the right places so we could write the number. She told me it was OK--they were just going to be playing games not eating or sleeping. LOL It took me a minute to figure out why she was saying this then we had a good laugh. Silly girl!


So anyway, in addition to the workbook pages, spend a lot of time practicing with the blocks in these early days to give a good foundation.

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