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I thought of all of you a lot yesterday (kilt related)!!!

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We went to the MI Renaissance Festival. Wow. What an eye-opening experience! :lol: It was fun, but I don't think we'll go back anytime soon. (We went to one show and there was SO much suggestive language and actions, I was embarrassed. And I don't embarrass easily at stuff like that. Even my 11 yo thought there ought to have been a warning on that show!)


Anyway, they were having the Highland Games. Wow again. In a good way. I was with a friend and we were very happy to watch the games! These big, muscular men in kilts were very nice!!!


Faith - We looked for the Falconer, but he wasn't there yesterday, unfortunately. Bummer! I was looking forward to him!

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We went to one Renaissance Festival many years ago, and it was our last because it didn't seem to be appropriate for smaller kids.


Now that my kids are all a little older, I think it sounds like fun. :001_smile:


Mine didn't have men in kilts, though!

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We went to one Renaissance Festival many years ago, and it was our last because it didn't seem to be appropriate for smaller kids.


Now that my kids are all a little older, I think it sounds like fun. :001_smile:


Mine didn't have men in kilts, though!


I think the kilts were because of the Highland Games competition. Fun stuff! And, fun to watch.


You know, I didn't mind having my dd (5) at that show. (BTW - the show was supposed to be a fire throwing show - why did it need all the references???) Anyway, the jokes went right over her head. My older boys were embarrassed. Well, one wasn't. But, we're having a hard time with him explaining what type of humor is appropriate and when. This type of show only shows him that that type of humor is encouraged anywhere - even at a family show. Grrrrrr . . .

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We have Highland Games every year about an hour and a half away in Highland, NC. I have never gone, but I'm thinking I should make the effort for all those men in kilts. :001_smile:


When we went to a Renaissance Festival, our oldest boys were old enough to be embarrassed - so I know what you mean.

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We have Highland Games every year about an hour and a half away in Highland, NC. I have never gone, but I'm thinking I should make the effort for all those men in kilts. :001_smile:.




:iagree: I mean, it's your duty. You are very close. And, it's a great education for the kids. Yeah. The kids. That's it!

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The Renfest we have locally has school days in the middle of the one week. All the shows are toned down and family friendly, the costumed actors roaming around are completely clothed and some shops are closed. It makes for a fun time for the whole family. No way would we go to it during the weekend.

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Does your Renaissance festival not label shows as to whether they're family-friendly? Ours does. You do still see a lot of "wenches" in rather revealing clothes walking about. This year, we went with our homeschool group on a school day. Much better; no inappropriate shows were presented, and since school groups were the only patrons, no scantily clad attendees.


FYI, if you like Renaissance festivals and kilts, check out this group that we first saw at the Renaissance festival here in AZ: Tartanic. We even bought their CD, so we can blare bagpipes and drums when we're in the mood. :D (I'm part Scottish, so I think it's in my blood.)



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The Renfest we have locally has school days in the middle of the one week. All the shows are toned down and family friendly, the costumed actors roaming around are completely clothed and some shops are closed. It makes for a fun time for the whole family. No way would we go to it during the weekend.


I was going to suggest this as well. I contacted our Ren Fest here and found they have a day where the focus is on the educational aspect. It is only open to school groups and homeschoolers that day. No alcohol is served and all entertainment is strictly G-rated.

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The Renfest we have locally has school days in the middle of the one week. All the shows are toned down and family friendly, the costumed actors roaming around are completely clothed and some shops are closed. It makes for a fun time for the whole family. No way would we go to it during the weekend.


This is how our nearest faire does it. They have a family/school field trip day on Fridays. The tickets are half price. The shows are toned down for adult themes. Not all the shows perform and sometimes there are vendors who do not open for Friday, but it is still a good experience with kids.


For those in Florida: I am refering to the Hoggestown Faire in Gainesville, usually end of January/early February.

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FYI, if you like Renaissance festivals and kilts, check out this group that we first saw at the Renaissance festival here in AZ: Tartanic. We even bought their CD, so we can blare bagpipes and drums when we're in the mood. :D (I'm part Scottish, so I think it's in my blood.)Wendi


I saw Tartanic last year at the Renfest in Texas. They are so awesome! I can't wait to see them again.

Have you ever heard of Clann an Drumma? Check out their video "Culloden" on youtube.

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