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Another new afterschooler here :)

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So, I enrolled ds7 into our local public school. This is going to be a big change for us, but I think it will work out. Ds wasn't excited about it at first, but has met some kids from the school and is really looking forward to it now. He's super social so I know he will revel in being around a bunch of kids all day!


He attended a full day camp for two weeks, I wanted him to get an idea of what a full day is like (although it's not exactly school). He was pretty tired the first week but quickly adjusted by the second week.


I've been dealing with health issues and although I would love to keep him home with me, I need to start actually seeing doctors and what not. I'll still have my almost 5 yr old coming along, but he's also a lot "easier" than my sensory seeking older boy.


I'm thinking about just continuing with the core of what we've been doing. A mix of Singapore and Math Mammoth, WWE, and Dancing Bears. I'd like to keep with GWG, but I think the evenings after school or mornings before school might get too long (he's a dawdler).


I'd like to be able to volunteer in ds's classroom, do you all know if bringing my younger one is ever allowed?


I'm excited for him but I'm also so nervous at the same time. I've got all these questions floating around in my head. I keep telling myself to :chillpill:.

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I hope your son has a great year.


Due to liability issues, some schools may not allow younger siblings in the classroom anymore. One of the biggest line items in a school district's budget is legal fees. People are sue happy and see the school systems as an endless supply of money.

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I'm thinking about just continuing with the core of what we've been doing. A mix of Singapore and Math Mammoth, WWE, and Dancing Bears. I'd like to keep with GWG, but I think the evenings after school or mornings before school might get too long (he's a dawdler).


Can you do GWG-lite on weekends? We had to cut down on a lot of weekday work due to long school days and after-school activities, so we do an hour on Sat and Sun each.


Best of luck!

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Thanks all! I'll talk to the teacher sometime after the school year starts about whether it would be okay to bring ds4. If they say no, then I'll try to find something I can do from home to help out I guess.


Nansk, I should try to keep up with GWG. I hadn't really thought about doing the afterschooling on the weekends though, that's a great idea.

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Thanks all! I'll talk to the teacher sometime after the school year starts about whether it would be okay to bring ds4. If they say no, then I'll try to find something I can do from home to help out I guess.


Nansk, I should try to keep up with GWG. I hadn't really thought about doing the afterschooling on the weekends though, that's a great idea.


I am a teacher, so I cannot help out in the classroom very often. So I do stuff from home like:

Type the kids' stories for the little book binding thing

Cut out or assemble things like the star finder

Send in snacks

Other stuff I cannot remember...


I stay in touch with my kids' teachers by email. At least once a week I send them an email. I find it works best to give the teacher a compliment and then ask a question. I find that I get a lot of information and help that way.


My DH works from home, so he does go into the schools sometimes. He loves it. He does field trips because I have an irrational fear of field trips.

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