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Public school sports


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This year is my 8th graders 2nd year on the public school volleyball team. Last year was, different. :001_huh: This year so far is going much smoother, although she is still and always be the outsider. Middle school is a hard age and any difference makes it all the harder. And ofcourse we know homeschoolers have 3 heads so we are really weird :lol: My daugther had a rough time the first week. She really noticed the way the kids treated her at first but this week is the 2nd week and its going better. She has 2 decent friends on the team, not super close friends but friends. This has been an amazing experience for her! She has learned to be a team player and encouraging to a crowd of "clicky" girls, kwim? I keep reminding my daugther that these girls are not used to anything different, and homeschooling is different to them. She just needs to show them that she is just as normal as them, she just does her school work at home. The girls are starting to see that and are becoming more accepting its just taking time. I would encourage your daughter to be VERY encouraging to these girls!


I posted a thread about the parents meeting. Parents need education also!

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My son did last year (7th grade) and had a fantastic experience. He was actually the only 7th grader to participate in every season. He got moved to the 8th grade baseball team and was voted team captain by his teammates AND got MVP from his coach. It was really great to see how well "socialized" he seems to be after being homeschooled since first grade. ;)


/brag :D

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Have your homeschooled kids participated in public school sports? Any advice? Mine began junior high girls volleyball this week, so far with mixed results...


We are not trying it with sports but with band in 5th grade. My DD is about 1 yr behind in gross motor skills. She stands out in all of the community ed classes that she has done as the most uncoordinated child in the group. I have avoided team sports because of this and try to focus on individual sports to prevent any teasing or peer pressure.


I do hope band will work out this year and she will learn an instrument, make some new friends, and become an accepted part of the group. I have butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it.:tongue_smilie:

Edited by RhondaJK
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Ds has been on the PS basketball team in 7th-8th-9th and will continue through the rest of high school. 7th was a little tough (he was one of two 7th graders and he was recovering from a broken bone in his foot and complicating infection when he started). Not to mention the middle school is kind of like a jail and the students are not well behaved. 8th grade was better because he was one of the better players and played lots and the coach even asked his advice on strategy. They also won the city championship. He was able to get on a competitive team with 2 teammates, not that that led to any sort of friendship. 9th grade started out a little rough due to same infection leading to surgery a month before tryouts, but he worked through it and was named MVP on the JV team. Coach loves him because he works hard, pays attention, and is a team player. I think it's been a little tough being on the "outside". Ds wanted to attend PS this year. We compromised with 2 classes (no one brags about the academics here).


It was a little awkward in the beginning because the coaches weren't used to having to communicate with a parent about practice/games. They've all been very willing to work with me/us. I even helped transport kids to away games in JH.



Edited by Sue in St Pete
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Well, if you want to call Cheerleading a sport. My 13 yr old decided that she wanted to try cheerleading this year for 7th grade.

We just started , with three days in. She's nursing a growth plate fracture in her ankle ( not a good way to start out the year), and she has one "friend" on the team. But she's the outsider. It takes Marilyn a while to warm up to kids, even though she is very socialable. I think its that awkard middle school thing not to mention she doesn't even go to the high school. Which by the way I am so thankful for not sending her this year after hearing one girl yesterday talk about how " everyone is getting pregnant lately." Ack!!! My daughter just rolled her eyes and we both looked at each other and shook our heads.

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