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Dd just started her college classes~


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She was in her English comp class and the prof asked the students to take 5 minutes and write a short descriptive paragraph that used all 5 senses. Dd chose to describe her coffee cup. :D They were asked to read their writing aloud to the class...gulp...and dd said that after she had read her paper, there was *silence* and then they all clapped. What a hoot! Good first week.

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Guest Barb B

Awesome 1st class! ds already had a quiz in his comp class - 5 question! I hate short quizzes! He got 3 right so a 60% - but prof. drops the 2 lowest (he grades by adding up points - totaling 1000 - quizzes are worth 100 of that so he's not too stressed by the grade - just enough to study harder next time!)



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A small update...;) Dd just called to say that her English prof handed back those papers, graded (she didn't expect that), and she got a 10 out of 10 plus a personal note! She was SO excited...her first college grade. Sweet girl. Thanks for your nice encouragements to me...it's been a little hard letting her go...:001_wub:

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Y'all have been so sweet. I wish I could take credit lol, but it was clear that the Lord had it all planned out ahead of me. She was the child who sat transfixed as I read to her for hours (even through high school she would ask me to read with her). She took to writing the same way that our oldest took to drawing. It really is amazing to see them going down their path. :) I did ask her to write specific things from time to time, to get her out of her comfort zone a little. We would always go over her papers together, and I would carefully make suggestions. I think she just set a high standard for herself. Conversations on every topic were so important. She was blessed with the ears to hear. I did have her do the Essay Writing and Research Paper short courses from AG, just to be sure she knew those expectations for college. Her Cornerstone Curriculum was fabulous for having her write about 'things historical and philosophical'. But the rest of the time she would read and write, and write and read, and found her own unique voice. My pleasure was being able to read it all. She is pursuing a liberal arts degree with emphasis in creative writing and journalism. I can't imagine her doing anything else. She told me last week that she felt a call to write for the homeschool community because she never wanted to be out of it! Payday for this homeschool mom! :001_smile: Thanks for your kindnesses.

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Aren't those ka-ching moments nice! My dd got one--she's started another computer science class at our local college and when they got to a certain topic the prof announced, "We have a really smart high schooler here who has done lots of programming. If you need help, you can ask her!" :D

That is *awesome*!!!

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Oh, congrats to her!! (And to you!)


These moments are the icing on the cake, aren't they?


Dd isn't a particularly strong writer, in my admittedly overly critical judgement, but she can get the job done. Early on in English Comp, the prof had them write by hand in class, although it seems it was connected to something they had to prepare ahead of time. When she got her paper back, he had written a margin note complimentingd her on her correct use of affect. He said that very few students got the right usage (affect/effect), but her paper used a lesser known meaning that he almost never saw in students' handling of the word. I had to go look it up to get the nuance. : )


Love those sweet moments! Kudos to you both!

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