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Totally OT: Tears of Joy

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Days like yesterday are the type that make you wonder if you are doing the best thing for your child. But, days like today are the ones that scream "YES, yes you are!"


DS #1 has speech on about a 24 - 30 month old level. He's a little over 6 years old with Autism. In January he came to me and asked me questions about God, Heaven, Christ, etc. He knew the answers to the questions he asked. He wanted to become a Christian. We talked with him long and hard and he knew what he wanted and what it meant, so we helped him.


Today he walked in, out of the blue, stood in the middle of the livingroom and gave me a sermon that would rival any pastor. He spoke about the creation of the world, what we have done as sinners, coming to Christ, told us we needed to "all cry out in Jesus name" (have no clue where that came from), went on about how we love you God for creating our world, for loving us, how he loves that he has a relationship with God... and it went on for 5 minutes.


It was totally clear speech. It was long. It had such emphasis and power in his tone and character. It was like he was 40 years old on a Sunday behind a pulpit with no Autism in sight. Yes, tears flowed. Sure, the message was actually incredible, but who the message was coming from is what made this Mommy cry.


Today was a good day.

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