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Who's getting ready for Irene?

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My Dad called me because he knew I wouldn't know how bad this weekend could possibly be (we don't have TV). He said to fill up the bathtubs in case we lose power so we can flush the toilets. We're headed to NC for the weekend so I'm mostly making sure we have bottled water, granola bars, ice etc. I hope this isn't as bad as they say it could be. If it is I have no idea what we'll come home to - our house is surrounded by a small forest that looks like tall tinker toys and I think these trees would come down pretty easily.

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I bought water, some canned tuna, crackers, peanut butter, toilet paper, charcoal, boxed milk, paper plates, batteries and Chef Boyardee type canned goods. If we don't need it for Irene, I will donate the supplies to my dd's AWANA campout. My dh will fill up all vehicles on Friday, and I will make sure that the electronics are charged. I will decide about filling the bathtubs when more is known about the forcast track.


Fran caught us off guard. I'd rather have the supplies and not need them.

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