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Really bad asthma attack - what can you do?

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True but asthma coupled with a cold or bronchial infection may need a short regimen of oral steroids in addition to any daily maintenance meds such as inhaled steroids. Plus the doctor may recommend with colds/bronchitis nebs with albuterol 4 to 6 times a day as ordered. This what happens to me:(


:iagree: It is amazing what a difference the oral steroids can make when things are really bad. That is the number one reason I end up taking ds for an unscheduled visit to the allergist - to add in the oral steroids. Otherwise, we have inhaled meds covered at home.

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I've been out all afternoon, with errands and piano lessons.

We got the spacer from the pharmacy.

I'll be calling the dr. tomorrow morning to see where we need to go from here.


My son said he did not need his nebulizer while I was gone - 4 hours. So that reassured me. He is still sort of down and I think he's running a slight fever now as well:tongue_smilie:


Judy, I don't use any essential oils - (my dh really hates smells). I think my son tolerates the dr. bronner's peppermint fine. He's been using it for quite a while and I haven't noticed any correlations.

I do know about the smoke. We briefly lived at a house with a wood stove about 6 years ago and it was bad. We won't be repeating that experiment!

I'm happy to hear about any other suggestions you have.


Sandra, that is so interesting about the epsom salts/magnesium. He used to be on a cal/mag supplement, but I have kind of fallen off giving it to him. I think I'll get back on that. Also, can you tell me more about choline and NAC? I don't know what those are.

I generally do not give any cold meds. They don't seem to do much good and this particular child is super sensitive to colors/additives, which they all have.


Thanks again everyone - I can't say how much your kindness and helpfulness means. It's been a long day.

And it's finally hot here (we're in the NW). Bad timing. I feel like I'm having trouble breathing, it's sooo stuffy!

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Sandra, that is so interesting about the epsom salts/magnesium. He used to be on a cal/mag supplement, but I have kind of fallen off giving it to him. I think I'll get back on that. Also, can you tell me more about choline and NAC? I don't know what those are.

I generally do not give any cold meds. They don't seem to do much good and this particular child is super sensitive to colors/additives, which they all have.


Magnesium is a relaxant - people use epsom salts in foot/bath soaks to relax sore muscles - and apparently it's used in ERs too for severe asthma attacks. I haven't used it for asthma but since it's a household item and in a desperate situation I'd try it. And yes, oral magnesium would help in his overall general/respiratory health.


I've put 2 links below for choline - it's an essential nutrient that's present in soy (lecithin) and egg yolks (main sources in US diet). Since my ds is allergic to both, he's supplemented with it for a long time. When I recently found out about the asthma/choline study, I upped from 250 mg to 500 mg/day (he's only 53 lbs.). He hasn't had a cold since so I'm still waiting to see if he needs the nebulizer when he catches one.






NAC is derived from an amino acid (cysteine) and used for respiratory/sinus/congestion problems. You can google and read reviews:




Here's a time-released NAC:



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We've been dealing with asthma here for almost 10 years. Boy that's hard to believe.


I truly understand the fear and helplessness you experienced. My son's asthma was out of control for almost a year, from 24 to 36 months. Thankfully, he's doing great now.


I didn't read all the replies you received and your responses.


From our experience, I do encourage you to take your son to either an allergy/asthma specialist or a pediatric pulmonary doctor. We were helped by both in the beginning, but stick with the allergy/asthma doc now.


I also strongly recommend that you get this book: Dr. Tom Plaut's Asthma Guide for People of All Ages.


I had an earlier version of his book and it was immensely helpful and educational for me. No doctor can give you all this information and help you know your kid and his asthma in the time they have allotted for appointments.



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Ds is much better this morning. He wanted to sleep outside on the porch last night since it was so stuffy in the house. I thought that would be a good idea since it's not pollen season right now. He seems back to his normal self this morning. Lots of energy and no wheezing. Very relieving.

I will still be following up with a dr. because I don't want to be reliving yesterday's nightmare!


Sandra - I am so interested to read about the choline connection! My son is also allergic to eggs - He cannot tolerate even a bit or his throat closes up. We also do not do soy at all. I never thought that he might be missing out on any nutrients because of this.


Thanks so much for the links. I'll be checking those out.


Chris- thanks for the link to the book. I love to read up on stuff!



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