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Teaching an online class?

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We have some class meeting and other times have online assignments . . . And I've taken many online classes.


As an instructor, I'd say online courses are the most work at the beginning of(and prior to) the term. Getting everything set up. Figuring out how the students will respond, turn in assignments, partner, etc. What things will be public? What things will they submit privately to you? How much reading? Will you prepare podcasts of your own teaching? Will they choose their own reading assignments from a topic or selected journals? What kinds of projects will they prepare -- PowerPoint, something three dimensional that that photograph, or a videotaped presentation? What kinds of exams? Will they be timed? (Some profs opened a 2 hr-window online. Others let us submit it any time during the week.)


I remember one assignment in which we (the students) were supposed to work in cooperative groups to answer some questions. Apparently I wasn't the only one who had trouble with that. It was at the beginning of the term and none of us "knew" each other from prior interactions and we didn't have a specific time to be online . . . Here you are e-mail complete strangers with no ability to "size up" the others as far as whether or not they're dependable to do their part . . . KWIM?


A couple of times the prof asked us to post a public (within the online course) photograph and vita. I found that helpful. When participating in online discussions, I could glance back at the classmate's info and remember prior interactions and consider their professional experience. The frame of reference was valuable, ime.


There are so many variables in any teaching situation, and technical difficulties or challenges need to be anticipated and addressed prior to the beginning.


I've seen pay range from $600 per credit hour to $2500 per 3-credit course. I would imagine the range is much greater depending upon which region the college serves.


My sil teaches online and b&m classes each semester. She prefers the online. She's an introvert.


I have considered online (couldn't we all use the extra $$$?), but would prefer b&m because I thrive in the social atmosphere.


My university is offering more online because it appeals to a wider population of students. I expect I'll be doing total online courses in the near future.



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One state school I considered has prospective instructors go through training. I can't remember the cost. And then there's absolutely no guarantee you'll be hired. :glare: I did not pursue that one. Yet.


Adjuncts usually take overflow classes and often find out when the term starts what/if they'll teach. :tongue_smilie:

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