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Netflix instant watch and Amazon Prime instant watch

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We can't really stream Netflix movies because our Internet is just too slow. The movie has to stop many times and download/buffer/whatever. It's tedious to wait so long, so often during a movie. Because of our rural location, our Internet is unlikely to get faster any time soon. What I want to know is if it's possible to download the entire movie and then watch it, either on Netflix, or on Amazon?

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Right now we have Netflix streaming unlimited and I signed up for a trial of Amazon Prime for their streaming stuff.


So I'm glad you have both!


Right now we have Fios internet so buffering isn't an issue, but when we move to rural TN it sure will be, so I'm anxious to hear opinions on that!


My question to add, if you don't mind, is selection-related (it seems like Amazon has a lot less to choose from?), as well as how you get Amazon streaming into your TV. Do you use the Roku device, or do you have one of the newfangled TV's?


We have older TV's so we bought a WII to use netflix...then they did the whole price-raising thing and I'm looking at amazon as an alternative.

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