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Spelling or vocab for natural speller?


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My husband thinks that spelling isn't necessary for a "natural speller". My two big kids fit this category. I feel like they need to continue to do spelling until . . . .well, I don't know when.


My ds who is 8 is quite a quick learner, doesn't need a lot of review, understands the "rules" of spelling already. He is only 8, however, and maybe needs more time for this? My dd who is 6 is not great with "rules" but is quite visual and has (I think) memorized many words from reading. Since she is only 6 I think that is too early to give up spelling.


My thoughts have been turning towards vocabulary for a challenge (and to satisfy dh). Anyone with experience want to share? I'd love to hear thoughts. THANKS!

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I just gave my youngest the placement test for Spelling Power. He did amazingly well. So well, that I decided to not do spelling with him this year and instead we are going to do word roots. I had bought English From the Roots Up last year and it didn't get used. This year, we are doing it.

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Anyone with experience want to share? I'd love to hear thoughts. THANKS!


This is our 3rd year homeschooling and we STILL haven't settled on spelling. My 8 yro and 9 yro got together this summer and told me that they are tired of spelling programs and don't want to do them anymore. :confused: OK. So, I downloaded Webster's Speller...and I printed out a list of the 1,000 most frequent words in the English language. Every day, I have them spell a number of words on the word list (and we go over why if they spell something wrong). I have them read thru a segment of Webster's Speller and I quiz them on a dry erase board.


Honestly, their spelling is pretty good! And it was all free. I guess this is OK. It's working.


FWIW, we've used BJU spelling and spelling workout. They said they were just tired of it.

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It depends on how natural they are :) At 6 we don't do spelling really so I can't comment on that. At 6 we're still doing Explode the Code, copywork, etc. and basic basic dictation. Any spelling issues are through dictation. BUT with a 9yo.... My now 11yo is a natural speller. I tried to do Spelling Power with him when he was 9. He tested deep into high school/adult level spelling. He almost never has spelled a wrong word. And if he does I show him it's wrong and he never spells it again. I don't do spelling with him. Now if he's just showed a propensity for spelling and it came pretty easily but didn't spell years and years ahead, we'd probably do something like Spelling Power (which I only think works for natural spellers!) for a few years until they got to the point where they could spell just about everything.

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I don't believe my ds7 reaches the ranks of natural spellers, but I have him do the following:


While we use copywork and dictations through PLL and WWE, I discuss tougher words and why they are spelled like that. Further, we use Wheeler's Elementary Speller twice a week, and Spelling City (both free resources) to help him remember. Words that are misspelled get corrected right away and written correctly in a list in his little, personal spelling notebook. I have lists from ES and Natural Speller (the book) to go by.


Since we started ES, his spelling has improved. Nothing else beforehand used to make a difference. Could be he's also maturing a bit more.

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