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Question for Classical Conversations people...


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Do you review the VP cards, history sentence, etc before your class day? Or, does your class introduce the weeks work and you review that work the following week?


So basically, does your child go into class without having heard the history sentence or having reviewed any of that days work?


Or, do you review all that will be discussed in class....before class.


Thought I would word it 2 different ways:001_smile: Sort of confusing. Thanks!

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Usually tutors prefer that you do not introduce the memory work before the tutor introduces it in class. The tutor will introduce/start teaching the memory work in class and then you work on it during the week after it has been introduced. You will have enough to do reviewing the memory work that has been introduced, as well as the prior weeks' memory work, without trying to do memory work that hasn't yet been introduced in class!

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We did CC for 2 years and our campus met on Tuesdays. I always played the CD at breakfast on Monday morning and we spent a little bit of time going over the new stuff that day. They certainly didn't have it down by the meeting on Tuesday. But I found for my kids, they did much better and were more likely to participate if they were somewhat familiar with the material already rather than going in cold and never having heard it before. I think it would depend on the kids and when your group meets. For what it's worth, my kids were in the younger class. I don't think our tutor ever had a problem with the fact that the kids already knew the history song, and several of the other kids also seemed familiar.

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Usually tutors prefer that you do not introduce the memory work before the tutor introduces it in class. The tutor will introduce/start teaching the memory work in class and then you work on it during the week after it has been introduced. You will have enough to do reviewing the memory work that has been introduced, as well as the prior weeks' memory work, without trying to do memory work that hasn't yet been introduced in class!




We don't introduce any new memory work. We only review what they have learned in class.

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In general the tutors introduce the material and then we work on it the next week.



In any program that is more than 3 years old and with students in 2nd grade or higher there is the potential for some of the students to already know some or even most of the memory work from having already done it 3 years before. An older student who is new to an established program where most of his classmates have done it before may benefit from reviewing the material before the class so that he/she is not always the one that doesn't know the material or the last one to get it.


Also the timeline cards and the math are the same every year so any student who has been in the program for a year or more already probably already has a good handle on those two subjects.


Do what works best for your family and gives your student the confidence they need to participate in and enjoy the class.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I found for my kids, they did much better and were more likely to participate if they were somewhat familiar with the material already rather than going in cold and never having heard it before. .


We have only been twice, but I have had the same experience. The stuff that my kids have never heard before, they are uninterested. If they have at least heard the words before, they are all about the tutor's related games & songs! I am very careful that my son has very limited exposure, as he would be that know-it-all kid that irritates everyone if he knew it cold! :)


I have been trying to do things like read a book about the topic (Columbus, skeletal system, etc.) on Monday. Then I re-read with the girls while my son is in PT. :)

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