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Confession: not a great writer and finishing college

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Ok, I have a big insecurity, I am not a great writer. When I took the Regents exam about 10 years ago (writing), I almost had a panic attack. I had to run out of the test because I totally fell apart. I did not finish college. I think a big part was stress when I needed to write a paper, especially annotated. I would love to get over this fear/insecurity. Any advice on where I should start? I think my stress is with the writing process + grammar rules and writing a good sentence. I really have never shared this before because of embarrassment.


Btw, when speaking publicly, I also have a problem with anxiety and organizing my thoughts. Any suggestions?


For years, I told myself that I am just not a natural writer and speaker. That may be true, but I believe that failure is giving up. I do not want to up on myself. I want to quit making excuses and try, try again. I may not be able to go back to college, but I can be a self-taught woman.

Edited by cabreban
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First of all, your post is coherent, your word choice is better than decent, and you know how to use commas and other punctuation correctly. That doesn't make you a "great" writer, but it certainly puts you ahead of 80% of the people I graduated with. You think I'm exaggerating, but I am not.


Secondly, you don't need to be a great writer to graduate college. In fact, if a random sampling of degreed coworkers is any indication, you don't even need to be "good."


I call it "corporate illiteracy," because I blame corporations and their evil marketing departments for inundating the English language with such words as "actionizing" and "proactive" and "illogicality."


Philistines. *shudders*


The point is, to me, you seem perfectly adept at communicating through the written word. So you should stop doubting yourself, and go get your degree already. :thumbup1:

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This may help your writing, or at least get you to see writing from a different perspective. I am currently half way through reading How to Write a Sentence and How to Read a Sentence by Stanley Fish. This slim volume examines rhetorical devises used for stylistic effect. Don't let the word rhetoric dissuade you from checking this book out from your local library. Fish offers many examples and explains the underlying structure, or lack of perceived structure, of eloquent sentences penned by famous authors. Learning to write good sentences is a good place to begin.

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Thank you for your replies. I am unable to go back to college because of money....oh and being a stay-st-home mom with a 5 and 2 year old. I would love to do a "homeschool" program, even if it is meant for high school students so that I can get over my insecurity. Any suggestions? Would write source for high school help me along with a grammar course?

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