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maybe my first time starting a thread here...question about blogging...

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Okay, so first a mini-intro 'cause I don't think I ever did that.


I'm TheReader, and a long time Sonlight user/poster over on the SL boards though under a different user name. ZooRho knows me and made me come over here when someone needed info about hs'ing in Brazil. For that reason, and because this board is very google-able, I prefer not to "out" my real name here, though I could say I'm a Texan hs'ing & living in Brazil and I think if you know me on SL that would be enough for you to know who I am. Plus my blog link is now fixed in my siggy if you want to know more.....


Anyway, on to the question -- if you are a long time blogger, have been blogging for a while, and have mostly stayed away from political topics or any controversial topic -- would you feel comfortable suddenly talking about issues on your blog?


I have blogged for about 4 yrs now and have kept it more or less non controversial, no political topics, nothing that will offend, etc. Mostly I blog about Brazil, hobbies, trips we take here, daily life, that sort of thing. But every now and then an issue comes up that I'd like to talk about, but I hesitate because it's a pretty different stance than a lot of my readers.


Well, one reader has challenged me that my voice needs to be heard on this. And he's right, if people like me don't speak out, things will never get better.


So -- would you risk alienating some of your blog readers by posting a controversial topic? Or would you see it as welcome change? If it's still true to you, to who you are, would you write about it???


Pondering what to do on this......open to any thoughts.

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I think it depends. I mean, my blog is about books, homeschooling and parenting stuff. I occasionally will touch on political/social topics as they relate to those things. For example, as life parenting in DC has come up, I've plugged my need for the right to vote (really, I would really like the right to vote), and as gender and gay issues have occasionally touched on our life as a family, I've made some pro-gay rights statements. But would I suddenly start talking about my opinions of Obama or Michelle Bachman or something like that? Um, no. Maybe if we win the egg roll lottery next year (we enter every year - you never know!), I might make a statement or two about my opinions of Obama or something along those lines... Or if I reviewed a children's book about economics, I might make a statement or two about the current US credit crisis. But only if it were related to my blog's overall topic, if you catch my drift. I'm not afraid to let my opinions be heard if an issue arises, but I'm not going to suddenly change gears to talk about it, because that's not the purpose of my blog.


But that's just my personal take.

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The minute you try to please everybody, you please nobody.


I blog for myself. People are invited to read, but ultimately, I decide what I want to write about and how to do it. I decided a long time ago that I'd only please me in my writing and that has stayed true except for one post my dh asked to be rescinded.

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I think it depends. I mean, my blog is about books, homeschooling and parenting stuff. I occasionally will touch on political/social topics as they relate to those things. For example, as life parenting in DC has come up, I've plugged my need for the right to vote (really, I would really like the right to vote), and as gender and gay issues have occasionally touched on our life as a family, I've made some pro-gay rights statements. But would I suddenly start talking about my opinions of Obama or Michelle Bachman or something like that? Um, no. Maybe if we win the egg roll lottery next year (we enter every year - you never know!), I might make a statement or two about my opinions of Obama or something along those lines... Or if I reviewed a children's book about economics, I might make a statement or two about the current US credit crisis. But only if it were related to my blog's overall topic, if you catch my drift. I'm not afraid to let my opinions be heard if an issue arises, but I'm not going to suddenly change gears to talk about it, because that's not the purpose of my blog.


But that's just my personal take.


Yea, this is kind of where I'm at right now. Political or controversial topics just seem.....out of place, I guess?....on my blog. I mean, I don't hesitate to speak out on forums, in real life situations, via email, etc.


I don't on Facebook b/c my dh & I share one account -- thus I don't post things that he would disagree with, because by posting I'm speaking for both of us.


I've thought of it on my blog, and there's been at least one or two times that I purposely didn't post something out of fear of "maybe this doesn't go here...". But I've also posted once or twice on things.


Just pondering if I should be more vocal there or not.....

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The minute you try to please everybody, you please nobody.


I blog for myself. People are invited to read, but ultimately, I decide what I want to write about and how to do it. I decided a long time ago that I'd only please me in my writing and that has stayed true except for one post my dh asked to be rescinded.


I have blogged about bigger, more controversial topics before. It's my blog and I talk about what's on my mind. If people do not like what I blog about, they don't have to read it. It's my own little platform in cyberspace, so to speak.


Definitely valid points. I also do blog for myself, but I"m aware of my readers, too.


I guess I should be more comfortable with speaking my opinion vs. not sharing things that I know would offend one or the other. Not that I would ever speak or type a falsehood on my blog, or say anything I don't believe, but just that I shy away from anything politically charged.


Where do you draw the line between "this is my opinion, I'm going to share it" and "this is not the content of my blog, I'm going to ignore it and not share it here" -- or do you?? That's my concern/issue, I guess.

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Part of the reason I started my blog was because certain family members felt VERY comfortable cramming their political/lifestyle views down my throat and trying to co-opt my kids to thier way of thinking. My kids have their own views, and we are fine with that, but they felt put in the middle and it casued loyalty issues- kwim?

I've been very up front about what I belive on my blog. Both of the people who were most "disagreeable" irl read it regularly:lol: (or at least they both did, till one of them died- but their spouse still reads it).

Blogging was a way for me to take a stand and disagree without arguing and being disrespectful to them in person (because discussions always ended up in aguement and bad feelings).

As a result- the one person is FAR more supportive and respectful of our views on many issues. In fact they are asking my opinons about a certain area whereas before it was a definite "off-topic."

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Where do you draw the line between "this is my opinion, I'm going to share it" and "this is not the content of my blog, I'm going to ignore it and not share it here" -- or do you?? That's my concern/issue, I guess.


Hmmm....maybe start a second blog? :lol:


That's a good point. There are things I leave off of my blog because I don't feel it's the place for it. I guess if I felt deeply enough about something I'd either redefine my blog or well, share it on a board. :D

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I blog to say what I have to say. At the same time, I invite the controversy or dissenting opinion. I see don't see that as alienating if I allow a comment that is the polar opposite of my own. As a matter of fact, that reader may come back just to prove me wrong, which takes some convincing because I am a bit stubborn. LOL


I do not blog across topics though. If it is HS, then it should stay HS. If it is life, then politics will fit. :)

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