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Can someone tell me the best place to buy TT? I am at my parents helping my mom recover from surgery, but REALLY need to get my plans finalized for this year. I need to buy TT but don't have time to do an extensive search... anyone willing to point me in the direction of the least expensive place to purchase? I'd appreciate it. :D



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TT is the same price whether you buy from one of the very few retail stores that sell it, or if you buy it directly from them. You will find it on CBD.com and maybe save money if you have a coupon code for the shipping charges, but otherwise you will do well by just going to their website teachingtextbooks.com and ordering. The shipping is always free, and they give really great customer service.




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Fortunately my paycheck was a little higher than I expected this month (yay for nice surprises!) so I can buy it without choking on the price quite so much. I still wish it were possible to buy new at a decent price but I will survive this time. :)


Thanks everyone!

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