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RS4K - Multiple ages, 3rd, 1st and Pre-K tagging along...


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I'm really, really wanting to do RS4K Chemistry next year. However, I'm a bit confused. Can you help?



  1. Do I want level 1 or pre-level 1 or both since I want it to include my 3rd and 1st grade boys?
  2. Do I need a student workbook for both boys even if I go with the same level?
  3. Can I do level 1 and pre-level 1 together?
  4. The chapter topics look the same, could my older boy read it alone and I read to the littles and then do the experiments together?
  5. Would I need a TM for both levels?
  6. How secular is this? Can I easily use it as a Christian?



Help me please! :eek:

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We are doing this program next year with 1st and 3rd graders. We are using the Level 1 for 3rd and Pre-Level 1 for 1st. I got the TM and text for each level, but we will just do the Level 1 experiments together. I won't require my 1st grader to do lab reports, she will just tag along for the experiments.


I think the decision really depends on your children. You could do either level with all three, really. If your 3rd grader is advanced or really interested in science, I would get Level 1. Your younger kids could listen to you read Level 1 out loud. If this is not the case you could do Pre-Level 1 with all three. I chose to get both levels because my 3rd grader is really into science and his sister is not.


As for reading alone, I'm probably going to read with both kids. For us chemistry concepts are new, and I want to really make sure they understand. The program covers some challenging concepts for elementary age in my opinion. Both levels do correlate pretty well in topics, though.


The book is secular, but I didn't find anything offensive as a Christian.


I hope this wasn't more confusing! I think you will do well either way, because it seems like a good program.



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  1. Do I want level 1 or pre-level 1 or both since I want it to include my 3rd and 1st grade boys?

  2. Do I need a student workbook for both boys even if I go with the same level?

  3. Can I do level 1 and pre-level 1 together?

  4. The chapter topics look the same, could my older boy read it alone and I read to the littles and then do the experiments together?

  5. Would I need a TM for both levels?

  6. How secular is this? Can I easily use it as a Christian?




I am doing Pre-Level 1 this year - my boys are 3rd and 1st. I think my oldest could handle Level 1, but I would completely lose my 1st grader with it. PL 1 has been just right.


We just have one student workbook. The student workbook is basically questions that go along with the experiements. It is a lot of writing, so we talk about it together, then my oldest ds writes the answers. Writing is a chore for my 1st grader, so I don't have him doing any of the writing. You could easily copy it if you wanted both to write.


You definitely need the TM, as it gives supply lists and explains the experiments.


We've enjoyed the curriculum. It's only ten weeks, so you could easily do more chemistry or another curriculum. We are going to go through Fizz, Bubble and Flash (fun book!), and do some of Living Learning Books Chemistry.


Almost forgot the last question! It is definitely secular, as in it doesn't really mention God or use Bible verses, etc. You could certainly add whatever you wanted to it.

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