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Having already complete the "first grade" ETC series (1/2/3) what curriculum would you embark on next?


apples and pears






She is NOT liking the writing portion of etc and also where there are sentences you choose from. She thinks she can't read them, but she can.



She's going to be in a title one blue ribbon all sorts of awards public school. She'll be getting a very solid la program. I still have higher personal expectations, and would like to continue certain things at home, so we will be after schooling. The other programs we expect to complete this year are FLL/WWE, HWOT, Apples and Pears, but We're only going to be doing one thing at a time as my dd has ocd issues about finishing. It's my understanding that ETC is 1/2/3 1st, 4/5/6 2nd, 7/8 3rd grades, so I was wondering where to go with my first grader since we've finished the first grade etc. I don't want to delay fll/wwe or spelling/handwriting for long, so I was thinking of going into one of those subjects at a first grade level and then moving on to the second grade level. I have heard that it is best to start spelling after phonics is mastered, so should I continue the ETC series all the way before thinking about spelling? We're only going to be doing one thing at a time as my dd has ocd issues about finishing. So maybe we should do fll? do I have to do fll with wwe?

Her school uses everday mathematics so I'll continue to supplement that with singapore.


We also plan on continuing with the SOTW schedule for history/science at home.


I'm wondering if I should move forward with the next ETC series or do FLL/WWE or apples and pears or HWOT for language arts. What do you think about this part?

Edited by mysticmomma
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I feel like my dc are getting a decent LA education at school. The teachers are pretty strong in LA and I would rather spend my afterschooling time on things that they are completely lacking at school. So I guess that my advice would be to wait a little and see how things go before deciding for sure. If you are already afterschooling, adding another subject later is not a big deal.

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Having already complete the "first grade" ETC series what curriculum would you embark on next?


apples and pears



HWoT is handwriting. Does your dc need handwriting work at the moment? If not, I would try FLL/WWE, although FLL doesn't work at my house (not our style).

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Having already complete the "first grade" ETC series what curriculum would you embark on next?


apples and pears




FLL didn't work out here either. I only used their narration and even that was easy.

You say language arts instruction in the school is strong. That implies instruction in writing, reading and grammer is sufficient. If so, why do you need either FLL or WWE? I am only asking, because you can use the time instead to teach something else (art, music).

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we will be doing hgta and probably an instrument this year as well. I don't know what is in their LA program. I know they pass the standardized reading tests with flying colors. Bella is a perfectionist and a little ocd about things and hyper sensitive. I want to have our bases covered. If she doesn't need it, I can always drop it.

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FLL didn't work out here either. I only used their narration and even that was easy.

You say language arts instruction in the school is strong. That implies instruction in writing, reading and grammer is sufficient. If so, why do you need either FLL or WWE? I am only asking, because you can use the time instead to teach something else (art, music).



We aren't using the book version of FLL either, but both of my kids are enjoying the audio CD. I figure that's better than nothing, and maybe some of those grammar chants will worm their way into memory.

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