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Study guide for books? (or something similar?)


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I want to start reading actual books, not just short stories for reading. However, I really need some kind of teacher's guide. Something with questions to ask, activities, etc. Something more than, say, Book Adventure. Where can I get something like that? If I can get it online for free, that would be even better. Thanks!!!

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There are several publishers of those types of guides. Search for the book title at Rainbow Resource and a couple usually come up for most books I search for.


Some of the books now have some discussion questions in the back too, sort of like "book club discussions" or similar. One historical fiction book I got this weekend had a section called "Reader Chat Questions" in the back also.


And don't forget to check out the publisher's websites and author websites (if applicable, current authors usually). Some of the Scholastic editions have online free activities and discussion questions. Some of the authors even provide some activities or questions.

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