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Spoiler alert re:article in Memoria Press catalog

SoCal Sandra

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Ok, I'm feeling completely dense. What I thought was what everyone was talking about apparently isn't and I don't see "The Book of Eli" mentioned anywhere in my catalog. Which page is it on? What is the article called?


It's the Letter from the Editor, inside front cover. ;)

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Well, I am usually one who figures out a book or movie pretty early. BUT, in a movie, there is a difference between suspecting and knowing the plot. You would watch Book of Eli differently if you already knew the ending. So, yes, I appreciate if I am warned first about a spoiler. Plus, I believe it is common courtesy.


When dh and I watch something, it is like a game for us. A little way into the plot I am usually the first to go "Oooohhh, I see where this is going" and dh will ask me my theory, and then we watch to see if I am right. Sometimes dh has gotten the drop on me, or we have had two different theories and we watch to see who is right! :D We are strange people though, and I accept that. :tongue_smilie:


Now, in a book, if I am too perplexed by the plot, I will flip to the end and read it first. I can read in a more detailed and appreciative manner if my suspense is abated. It really depends on the book. :D Weird, I know. But, I still like to be the one to flip to the back and discover the end. So, I still would not want to be told. :tongue_smilie:


Dh and I watch cop/crime shows together. Within the first 20 minutes (usually the first time the perp comes on screen) I tell him who did it. It drives him nuts that I'm usually right. He asks how I know. I tell him that if he read half the books I've read he'd know all the plots, too.

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