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FCELPT/ dual enrollment placement test grade level?

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Does anyone have any information on the FCELPT (Florida Computerized Entry Level Placement Test)? I specifically am wondering if anyone knows what grade level the test is, or the percentage of those that pass/fail.

I have been told conflicting information, that it is an extremely challenging test that many fail, and then also told that it is at a remedial level, perhaps 8th grade. Any information is appreciated. Thank you!

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Is this the cc test? Ours just changed to the PERT so no experience w/the one you're speaking of. The best advice I can give is look for a study guide. Our cc has them both in the advising office & on line.


BTW-dd#1 got a 19 on her ACT in math which placed her in Interm. Alg & Prob & Statistics (both college credit classes) with having taken just Alg I & Geometry in hs.

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Does anyone have any information on the FCELPT (Florida Computerized Entry Level Placement Test)? I specifically am wondering if anyone knows what grade level the test is, or the percentage of those that pass/fail.

I have been told conflicting information, that it is an extremely challenging test that many fail, and then also told that it is at a remedial level, perhaps 8th grade. Any information is appreciated. Thank you!


Don't evaluate it based on what you hear. There are just way too many variables to cause it to give you pause without have first-hand knowledge of the test. Our nearest county has the test on their website with a study guide. You should be able to call your local CC and access a study guide or possible practice test.




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Thanks for the replies. I am not taking it, just have some friends dc that have recently. There has been some confusion within our homeschool group trying to determine the grade level of the test. Some of the high schooler's are taking the test to dual enroll at a CC. On the website, at first it only mentioned the FCELPT, but looking again it mentioned the PERT as well, so not exactly sure which it is.

A little background that might help understanding my question. One family uses a certain curriculum and another family asked about it. Family one raved about it, yet another person questioned the quality of it based on the fact that the first families daughter has failed the CC placement test twice for reading comp. (She is a straight A student in this curric.)

The question was then raised to the grade level of the test. The first family believes the test is extremely difficult to pass and said many honors and IB students fail. Others were under the impression that it was less academic of a test, more of a remedial level. I was just wondering which was true.

I do believe this came up as to whether or not this curriculum was college prep, but at this point I am just curious as to the level of the test...


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Does the student who's making A's and not placing into English have any standardized test scores?


Upon googling fcelpt, it seems some colleges will also take a SAT-V score of 440 to place into college-level English, which is about the 27th percentile. That doesn't seem extremely high.

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Does the student who's making A's and not placing into English have any standardized test scores?


Upon googling fcelpt, it seems some colleges will also take a SAT-V score of 440 to place into college-level English, which is about the 27th percentile. That doesn't seem extremely high.


no, she has yet to take any standardized test...


That is what I was thinking as well...Just wanted to know if there was any proof of this...

I am concerned that this family thinks their daughter is more prepared for college than she really is. (She will be a senior this year).

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Guest cqmom

The community colleges use the CPT, FELPT, or PERT tests in Florida as entrance exams to be eligible to take certain General Education courses (I think ACCUPLACER is another name for the test). You can Google and get sample questions. They are "basic skills" tests and are meant to be taken "after" high school. My son had no problems passing the tests in 9th grade. My daughter aced the math (basic math and algebra) and sentence skills (grammar/meanings) sections, but did not pass the reading comprehension section. We all were surprised. I guess she was not used to the vague question types, like "what is the author's purpose", etc. Unfortunately, our CC does not let high school students take it again for a full year. So, that is keeping her out of certain general education classes at the CC, but she will be taking College Algebra and a computer course in 10th grade at the CC.

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