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Considering using a weekly checkoff list for assigning work.


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printed/laminated sheet (that doesn't change week to week)

five slots for each day of week

she checks things off when she's done


Do any of you use something like this?


I don't want to give my 5th grader a worksheet with lots of instructions on it because she looks at that and thinks it's too much. We need lots of white space. I think this is one of our problems from last year.


My concern is that things will still be forgotten if I don't have a detailed plan for her to follow. I guess this is what my Well Planned Day is for, right?

Thanks for any thoughts you can add.

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could the page have 2 sides?


the front being more basic with more white space -- and the back being the same thing only with more details and discription.


So she only has to check off the front, but if she gets stuck, she can look to the back for help before coming to you?


Also havce you tried -- with the more detailed directions -- useing differnt colors? Helps me personally.

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We do it that way for my grammar dc. The kiddos have a generic and I have the details. One kiddo prefers the details, so I give him a copy of my sheet, while the other would be overwhelmed, so he gets the plain one.


I also do the same for myself. I made a one page checklist for the Elders. That way, THEY write the details in their own planners, but I only have to check the boxes as I grade and review their work. It helps SO much. I believe I put them in my homeschool launch page.


I see this as "step 2" of teaching them planning. Step 1 was picture cards. Step 2 is a simple checklist. Step 3 is logging their work. Step 4 is filling in planners. Step 5 is called lesson planning!

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Guest twentyoneeight

Last year my kids got a weekly calendar with assignments on it. They got to take a highlighter and mark off the things as they got them done each day. It went in their folders with all the work for the week behind it so I could keep the work organized just in case I had to show it to someone.

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I plan on making a chart on a magnet dry erase board, similar to this chore chart except I will make magnets for the subjects to be done (print them out, cut, laminate, stick a magnet on back.) Then I can put the magnets on each day for what needs to be done, and they have the satisfaction of sliding each one over and getting the blankness under "to do."

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I plan on making a chart on a magnet dry erase board, similar to this chore chart except I will make magnets for the subjects to be done (print them out, cut, laminate, stick a magnet on back.) Then I can put the magnets on each day for what needs to be done, and they have the satisfaction of sliding each one over and getting the blankness under "to do."


love it. looove it. tried to do myself, and did not do so nicely -- stealing this idea :001_smile:

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