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So if you use TOG, what else do you need?

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TOG provides:

-multi-level (1st-12th) learning on a weekly theme with clear objectives for each level and multiple subjects (history, literature, writing, geography, Fine Arts and Activities, Church history/worldview, Government, Philosophy) when you buy 1 year plan you are getting multiple years use, not just a smaller scope of age-appropriate learning


- Reading assignments based on the weekly theme for each level. Each grade level has history core, history in-depth, suggested read-alouds, literature, arts and activities, worldview/church history, government, philosophy and enrichment books and resources laid out for you. You have choices and every book was chosen for a specific reason- each one ties perfectly into the week's theme


- Weekly Overview:Student assignments for your older children to take charge of their lesson, objectives for the week for them to meet, including a list of People for biography profiles for each week, in lower grammar and upper grammar there are vocabulary words for the week and dialectic and rhetoric are timeline dates to add to their timelines.

There are activities laid out for each grade level to do either singly or as a group. Geography objectives are also listed for the students.


Writing Assignments with 12 levels, the student works from level 1 and up it is not grade level oriented. This includes writing assignment for the week's theme, including narrations, dictations and various types of modern writing. This works with their product Writing Aids but could be used alone and it is provided for each week.


General Information for All Grades- Student Activity Pages

This is an overview provided for the student to read or to be read to them if you choose.


Student Activity Pages

Lower Grammar- arts and activities, geography with specific locations, literature worksheet that correlates to the lower grammar literature book for the week


Upper Grammar- arts and activities, geography with specific locations, literature worksheet that correlates to the upper grammar literature book for the week


Dialectic Level- History accountability questions, thinking questions, arts and activities, geography with specific locations, literature worksheet that correlates to the dialectic literature book for the week, more than one book may have an assignment


Rhetoric level- History accountability questions, thinking questions, arts and activities, geography with specific locations, literature worksheet that correlates to the Rhetoric literature book for the week, which has beginning level and continuing level selections. Church history, government and philosophy questions.


The Pageant of Philosophy: for Rhetoric students that has a character within a play/skit exploring the philosophical focus of the week's theme with the people of the week.


Then the Teacher's Notes:

Pulled from World Book Encyclopedia but only what you need to know for the week's theme.


History Dialectic Discussion Outline

History Rhetoric Discussion Outline

Literature Questions and Answers (these are answers for the literature pages mentioned before)

Literature Rhetoric Discussion Outline

Government Rhetoric Discussion Outline

Philosophy Rhetoric Discussion Outline

Geography: Background Information

Fine Arts and Activities: Background Information

CHurch History/Worldview: Background Information


Then a glance into the next week's objectives and budget tips


With TOG they have components that can be purchased to use with the Year Plan

- Writing Aids

- Map Aids

- Evaluations- tests/quizzes for each week for each grade level

- Pop Quiz- short audio for supporting spouses to listen and be prepared to discuss the week's lesson with the kids

- optional Lapbooks

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I am confused just ordering? Obviously, I don't need math or science, but is this history and writing, or lit and grammar....aughhhhh! The website has a lot of info- Someone just please help simplify this for me!:confused:


Basically this is history, literature, reading, geography, writing, bible/church history and fine arts all woven together. In the upper stages (high school) it is also philosophy and government. It is so full that I use it as the "core" of my day, and use other sources for grammar, math, science and foreign language.


That is as simple as I can get it! My best ever advice is to download the 3 week sample and actually use it for 3 weeks. I have also learned that I do better when ordering the Curriculum (without extras and books) first... after a few days to weeks of poking around the curriculum I make better choices about which books/extras to buy. HTH! We really love TOG, and are excited about using it another year.

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Basically this is history, literature, reading, geography, writing, bible/church history and fine arts all woven together. In the upper stages (high school) it is also philosophy and government. It is so full that I use it as the "core" of my day, and use other sources for grammar, math, science and foreign language.


That is as simple as I can get it! My best ever advice is to download the 3 week sample and actually use it for 3 weeks. I have also learned that I do better when ordering the Curriculum (without extras and books) first... after a few days to weeks of poking around the curriculum I make better choices about which books/extras to buy. HTH! We really love TOG, and are excited about using it another year.


What she said!:001_smile:

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