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Q about Getting Started With Latin

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I have two girls & we are new to WTM.

We have our curric. up & running & is going well. I was thinking of introducing Latin for my 8 yo, using GSWL.

We have only just begun to study grammar (1st language lessons book 1) so would it be a better idea to wait until she has a better grasp on English grammar? I am wondering if that is the reason Latin is introduced in G3, or if it is another reason?

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I would wait to do Latin until you have a year or two of English grammar under your belt. It is much easier for most of us to be able to recognize and understand what a direct object (or adjective, or prepositional phrase, etc.) is in English, and then take that knowledge and use it to help understand Latin.

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I would wait to do Latin until you have a year or two of English grammar under your belt. It is much easier for most of us to be able to recognize and understand what a direct object (or adjective, or prepositional phrase, etc.) is in English, and then take that knowledge and use it to help understand Latin.


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You could play with Latin for this year. When our children are babies, most of us don't speak in sentences to them. When we hand them a cookie, we say "Cookie". If we do say a sentence, we usually would say, "Cookie. Would you like a cookie? Cookie. Cookie."


You could teach some basic nouns and verbs and a few phrases.


Buy a curriculum, and start working through the exercises yourself and keep a notebook. You might like Teaching the Trivium instructions on creating your own Latin handbook/grammar. And as you work through the exercises, just introduce some of the easy words to your children. Have them copy and say the words and draw pictures and act them out.

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We did GSWL with my dd8 last year, and it went well. We also did Rod and Staff English (grade 3) concurrently. GSWL introduces only 1 word or concept at a time, and dd didn't have any problems grasping the grammar parts. This was the first time she had formally studied English, too. If your girls are interested, I would give it a shot. GSWL only takes a few minutes a day. (I had dd write the new word each day, and then we did the translations orally.)


Take care,


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Suzanne - do you think your daughter coped because she was well up on her grammar?




I think initially the grammar in GSWL moved more slowly than Rod and Staff. We hadn't studied grammar formally at all previously. By the end of the year, she just seemed to be getting the hang of it. I don't remember her diagramming indirect objects in Rod and Staff, but she didn't have any problem translating them in GSWL.


She ended up enjoying Latin a lot more than English. This year we are going to try taking a break from English grammar and just doing the Latin (starting Latin in the Christian Trivium). We'll see how that goes!


Take care,


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