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Mobile Alabama Daytime Curfew

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This is not consistent with the information I've been hearing on the news.




July 9, 2011 -- Mayor Sam Jones said that he expects to present a citywide teen curfew to the City Council in about two weeks, as a tool to crack down on crime. His plan will call for those ages 17 and younger to be home by 11 on weeknights and midnight on weekends.


I'll be searching for more information, but if it includes daytime hours, it makes no sense at all. Many high school students are eligible for early release and go to jobs mid-day. I'll post any updates I find.

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I see the daytime hours included here:




Jones’ proposed curfew ordinance, which has been in the works for months and the subject of much discussion in recent City Council meetings, would make it illegal for anybody under the age of 18 to be in a public place after 11 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, midnight Friday and Saturday.


The same prohibition would generally apply from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. weekdays when public school is in session.



I can't see this going through. Like I said: LOTS of teens, even those in school, work during the day. We have a HUGE homeschool population. And there are numerous private and part-time schools with odd schedules.


This is going to be interesting. Especially since it makes no sense.

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I didn't read the article but we have a daytime curfew in my city for minors. It hasn't been that big of a deal here. If minors are out with an adult they are never stopped. If they are out by themselves they must have a note from their school stating they are taking classes or part of a work program.


It helps keep truant teens from loitering at the mall, Starbucks, etc.

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Guest HJHitchcock

I live and homeschool in Mobile and yes, it's crazy they are trying to enact this law. It is very possible it will go through. At first public opinion was for it, but at the last city council meeting more opposed it. Support and opposition were strongly divided upon racial lines with the African-American community supporting it and the white not. Just another reflection of the division in our country, I guess.


Removing fundamental constitutional rights (see 4th and 14th Amendments) is a big deal to me and should be for every American. There are truancy laws on the books now to keep teens from hanging out at the malls or wherever. There is no need to remove citizens' constitutional rights in order to enforce truancy.


The homeschool community here in Mobile is making a lot noise against the proposal. Hopefully we'll succeed in seeing it defeated.


The mayor's office has based their ordinance on the Dallas, TX daytime curfew ordinance. The Mayor's office told me last night that in the 3 years Dallas has had this law, they have arrested and sent to jail 6 juveniles. JUST SIX. That's two a year. Yet they want us to surrender our protection from unreasonable search and seizure and the freedom to move about in society. For two people a year? That's insane. What's even crazier is they have detained (ie violated the 4th amendment) of 1400 minors in those three years. And only six had committed a crime. Less than 1/2 of 1% of the juveniles taken it. This should not be okay in America.

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Removing fundamental constitutional rights (see 4th and 14th Amendments) is a big deal to me and should be for every American. There are truancy laws on the books now to keep teens from hanging out at the malls or wherever. There is no need to remove citizens' constitutional rights in order to enforce truancy.





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